| French | English | |
| |
| filer [fam.] | 9 to run [go] | |
| vêt. filer [bas, collant] | to ladder [Br.] | |
| vêt. filer [bas, collant] | to run [Am.] | |
| filer [cordage] | to unwind | |
| filer [couler] | to be runny | |
| filer [fam.] | to bolt [flee] [coll.] | |
| filer [fam.] | to scarper [coll.] [Br.] | |
| filer [fam.] | to skedaddle [coll.] [Am.] | |
| filer [fam.] | to dash off | |
| filer [flamme, lampe] | to smoke [flame, lamp] | |
| cuis. filer [fromage fondu] | to go stringy | |
| filer [temps, journée] [fam.] | to fly past [fig.] | |
| auto trafic filer [véhicule] | to speed | |
| entom. textile filer qc. | to spin sth. | |
| filer qc. [corde etc.] | to pay sth. out [e.g. rope, line: slacken gradually] | |
| vêt. filer qc. [déchirer - collant, bas] | to ladder sth. [Br.] [tights, stocking] | |
| filer qc. [développer - image, métaphore] | to spin sth. out | |
| matériel tech. filer qc. [métal] | to draw sth. | |
| mus. filer qc. [note] | to hold sth. | |
| mus. théâtre filer qc. [scène, pièce] | to run straight through sth. | |
| audio mus. filer qc. [tenir - note, son] | to draw sth. out [note, sound] | |
| dr. filer qn. | to shadow sb. | |
| dr. filer qn. | to tail sb. [coll.] | |
| filer qn. [suivre] | to dog sb. [fig.] [coll.] [follow] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| filer doux | to cave in [coll.] [idiom] | |
| filer doux | to climb down [idiom] | |
| filer doux | to eat humble pie [idiom] | |
| filer doux [loc.] | to keep a low profile [idiom] | |
| filer doux [loc.] | to maintain a low profile [idiom] | |
| filer doux [obéir] | to toe the line [fig.] [idiom] [conform, obey] | |
| filer droit [fam.] [se comporter comme ordonné ou attendu] | to toe the line [fig.] [conform, obey] | |
| filer droit [fam.] [se comporter comme ordonné ou attendu] | to do as one is told | |
| auto filer sur qc. [autoroute] | to belt along sth. [go fast] | |
| laisser filer qn. [fam.] | to let sb. off the hook [fig.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| naut. filer 20 nœuds [navire] | to do 20 knots | |
| filer à l'anglaise [loc.] | to do a flit [idiom] | |
| filer à l'anglaise [loc.] | to take French leave [idiom] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. outil. textile machine {f} à filer | spinning frame | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| filer à qn. la gerbe [fam.] [loc.] | to make sb. puke [coll.] [idiom] | |
| filer à toute allure [personne] | to dash off | |
| auto trafic filer à toute allure [véhicule] | to speed off | |
| auto filer à toute vitesse [voiture] | to bomb along [coll.] | |
| filer comme une anguille [aussi fig.] | to be as slippery as an eel [also fig.] | |
| filer comme une flèche | to dart away | |
| filer dans sa chambre [généralement] | to dash into one's bedroom | |
| filer dans sa chambre [loc.] [après une réprimande] | to storm off to one's room [idiom] | |
| méd. filer la grippe à qn. [fam.] | to give sb. the flu | |
| filer le bourdon à qn. [fam.] | to depress sb. | |
| filer le bourdon à qn. [fam.] | to get sb. down [coll.] | |
| filer qn. le sale boulot [loc.] | to land sb. with the rotton job [Br.] [idiom] | |
| filer qn. le sale boulot [loc.] | to stick sb. with the rotton job [Am.] [idiom] | |
| filer un coup à qn. | to hit sb. | |
| filer un mauvais coton [loc.] [être malade] | to be in bad shape [idiom] [ill] | |
| filer un mauvais coton [loc.] [se préparer des ennuis] | to be heading for trouble [idiom] | |
| filer un tuyau à qn. [loc.] | to give sb. a tip-off [idiom] [hint] | |
| filer une châtaigne à qn. [loc.] | to clout sb. [coll.] | |
| filer une châtaigne à qn. [loc.] | to give sb. a clout [coll.] | |
| filer une gifle à qn. [fam.] | to slap sb. in the face | |
| filer une gifle à qn. [fam.] | to smack sb. in the face | |
| laisser filer un câble | to play out a cable | |
| laisser filer une occasion | to let an opportunity slip through one's fingers | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| filer entre les pattes de qn. [loc.] | to slip through sb.'s fingers [idiom] | |
| anat. filer un coup de genou à qn. dans les couilles [fam.] [loc.] | to knee sb. in the balls [coll.] | |