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French-English translation for: fort
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Dictionary French English: fort

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ADJ   fort | forte | forts | fortes
NOUN   le fort | les forts
NOUN   a fort | forts
SYNO   to fort | to fort up | fort | garrison ... 
fort {adj} {adv}
fort {adj}
fort {adv} [parler, crier]
fort {adj} [alcool, vent]stiff [alcohol, wind]
fort {adj} [considérable]major [considerable]
fort {adv} [frapper: intensément]hard
fort {adv} [très]very
arch. mil. fort {m}fort
arch. mil. fort {m}fortress
fort {m} [domaine d'excellence]strong point
fort {m} [personne puissante]strong person
2 Words: Others
fort de {prep} [avec, renforcé par]armed with [fig.] [fortified by]
fort justement {adv}quite properly
fort justement {adv}quite rightly
fort naturellement {adv}not unnaturally
très fort {adj} [odeur]pungent [strong smelling]
2 Words: Verbs
pleuvoir fortto rain hard
sentir fortto feel strong
2 Words: Nouns
château {m} fortfortified castle
coffre-fort {m}safe [strongbox]
coffre-fort {m}vault [strong-room]
coffre-fort {m}strong-box
hydro. courant {m} fort [mouvement de l'eau]strong current [of water]
esprit {m} fort [personne]freethinker
pol. homme {m} fortstrongman [leader]
pol. homme {m} fortkey man [leader]
incitant {m} fortstrong incentive
moment {m} forthighlight
moment {m} forthigh point [highlight]
temps {m} forthighlight [fig.] [most important moment]
météo. vent {m} fortstark wind
ling. verbe {m} fortstrong verb
3 Words: Others
haut et fort {adv}loudly [vociferously]
haut et fort {adv}vociferously
J'en doute fort.I very much doubt it.
3 Words: Verbs
être bougrement fort [fam.] [loc.]to be bloody strong [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
être fort en qc.to be good at sth.
parler plus fortto speak up [louder]
parler plus fortto raise one's voice
3 Words: Nouns
jeux boule {f} de fort[game of bowling traditional to the Loire Valley]
occup. fort {m} des hallesmarket porter
fort {m} des halles [fig.] [force de la nature]Goliath [fig.] [huge and strong person]
géogr. Fort-de-France {m} [chef-lieu de la Martinique]Fort-de-France
4 Words: Others
C'est mon point fort. [loc.]That's my strong point. [idiom]
4 Words: Verbs
avoir fort à faire [loc.]to be tied up [idiom] [to have one's hands full]
dire qc. haut et fortto say sth. loud and clear
dr. percer un coffre-fortto break open a safe
4 Words: Nouns
combinaison {f} de coffre-fortsafe combination
droit {m} du plus fortrule of force
droit {m} du plus fortlaw of the jungle
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