| French | English | |
Keywords contained |
| constr. mil. fortifier qc. [ville] | to fortify sth. | |
| se redonner des forces avec qc. | to fortify oneself with sth. | |
Partial Matches |
| réconforter qn. [revigorer] | to fortify sb. | |
| rassembler ses forces | to fortify oneself | |
| puiser qc. dans qc. | to adopt sth. from sth. [e.g. words, or images] | |
| occup. concilier qc. avec qc. [p. ex. famille et travail] | to balance sth. with sth. [e.g. work and family] | |
| emboîter qc. dans qc. | to nest sth. in sth. [to place one part inside another] | |
| souhaiter désespérément que qn./qc. fasse qc. | to be dying for sb./sth. to do sth. [idiom] | |
| farcir qc. avec qc. [fam.] | to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.] | |
| farcir qc. de qc. [fam.] | to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.] | |
| désavantager qn./qc. en faisant qc. | to put sb./sth. at a disadvantage by doing sth. | |
| assigner qc. à qc. [valeur] | to ascribe sth. to sth. [e.g. a value] | |
| cuis. enrober qc. de qc. [fruits, dragées, etc. de chocolat, etc.] | to coat sth. with sth. [e.g. with chocolate] | |
| tendre qc. de qc. | to cover sth. with sth. [by stretching it over] | |
| placer qc. dans qn./qc. [espoirs] | to have sth. on sb./sth. [e.g. hopes] | |
| bicyc. attacher qc. à qc. [bicyclette] | to lock sth. to sth. [e.g. a bicycle] | |
| fin. échelonner qc. sur qc. [paiements - sur un an] | to stagger sth. over sth. [payments - over a year] | |
| comm. concevoir qc. pour qc. [produit - marché] | to tailor sth. for sth. [product for the market] | |
| omettre qc. de qc. | to leave sth. out of sth. [e.g. text] | |
| enduire qc. de qc. | to slather sth. on / onto sth. [coll.] [apply thickly] | |
| géogr. décalage {m} entre qc. et qc. [en heures] | time difference between sth. and sth. [in hours] | |
| entraver qn./qc. dans qc. | to be a hindrance to sb./sth. in sth. | |
| faire qc. sur ordre de qn./qc. | to do sth. at the behest of sb./sth. | |
| privilégier qc. sur qc. d'autre | to give more importance to sth. than to sth. else | |
| arguer qc. pour faire qc. | to give sth. as a reason for doing sth. | |
| prétexter de qc. pour faire qc. | to use sth. as an excuse for doing sth. | |
| s'autoriser de qc. pour faire qc. | to use sth. as an excuse to do sth. | |
| bourrer qc. de qc. | to saturate sth. with sth. [e.g. a market with products] | |
| mil. ravitailler qn./qc. en qc. [vivres] | to provide sb./sth. with fresh supplies of sth. [troops, town] | |
| arts laisser dégouliner qc. sur qc. | to dribble sth. onto sth. [e.g. paint] | |
| truffer qc. de qc. [citations, etc.] [fig.] | to lard sth. with sth. [quotations, etc.] [fig.] | |
| abreuver qn./qc. de qc. | to load sb./sth. with sth. [fig.] [to excess] | |
| attacher qc. à qc. [p.ex. vélo] | to lock sth. to sth. [e.g. bike] | |
| enliser qn./qc. dans qc. [aussi fig.] | to mire sb./sth. in sth. [also fig.] | |
| délayer qc. avec qc. [farine] | to mix sth. with sth. [e.g. flour] | |
| laisser tomber lourdement qc. sur qc. | to plonk sth. on sth. [esp. Br.] [coll.] | |
| consacrer qc. à qc. [temps, effort] | to put sth. into sth. [invest time, effort] | |
| délayer qc. dans qc. [diluer, peinture] | to thin sth. with sth. [e.g. paint] | |
| fin. répercuter qc. sur qn./qc. [coûts] | to pass sth. on to sb./sth. [costs] | |
| mettre qc. sur le compte de qn./qc. [fig.] | to put sth. down to sb./sth. [attribute] | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (among sb./sth.) | |
| dr. attester qc./que qn. a fait qc. | to attest that sb./sth. has done sth. | |
| remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas] | to bring sb./sth. back up from sth. | |
| mobiliser qn./qc. pour faire qc. | to call upon sb./sth. to do sth. | |
| attester qc./que qn. a fait qc. | to certify that sb./sth. has done sth. | |
| complimenter qn./qc. d'avoir fait qc. | to compliment sb./sth. on having done sth. | |
| trouver qc. à dire sur qn./qc. | to find sth. to say about sb./sth. | |
| abriter qn./qc. de qc. | to get sb./sth. into safety from sth. | |
| méd. faire une injection de qc. à qn./qc. | to give sb./sth. an injection of sth. | |
| attester qc./que qn. a fait qc. | to prove that sb./sth. has done sth. | |