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French-English translation for: fortify sth.
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Dictionary French English: fortify sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 19279  >>

Keywords contained
constr. mil. fortifier qc. [ville]to fortify sth.
se redonner des forces avec qc.to fortify oneself with sth.
Partial Matches
réconforter qn. [revigorer]to fortify sb.
rassembler ses forcesto fortify oneself
puiser qc. dans qc.to adopt sth. from sth. [e.g. words, or images]
occup. concilier qc. avec qc. [p. ex. famille et travail]to balance sth. with sth. [e.g. work and family]
emboîter qc. dans qc.to nest sth. in sth. [to place one part inside another]
souhaiter désespérément que qn./qc. fasse qc.to be dying for sb./sth. to do sth. [idiom]
farcir qc. avec qc. [fam.]to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.]
farcir qc. de qc. [fam.]to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.]
désavantager qn./qc. en faisant qc.to put sb./sth. at a disadvantage by doing sth.
assigner qc. à qc. [valeur]to ascribe sth. to sth. [e.g. a value]
cuis. enrober qc. de qc. [fruits, dragées, etc. de chocolat, etc.]to coat sth. with sth. [e.g. with chocolate]
tendre qc. de qc.to cover sth. with sth. [by stretching it over]
placer qc. dans qn./qc. [espoirs]to have sth. on sb./sth. [e.g. hopes]
bicyc. attacher qc. à qc. [bicyclette]to lock sth. to sth. [e.g. a bicycle]
fin. échelonner qc. sur qc. [paiements - sur un an]to stagger sth. over sth. [payments - over a year]
comm. concevoir qc. pour qc. [produit - marché]to tailor sth. for sth. [product for the market]
omettre qc. de qc.to leave sth. out of sth. [e.g. text]
enduire qc. de qc.to slather sth. on / onto sth. [coll.] [apply thickly]
géogr. décalage {m} entre qc. et qc. [en heures]time difference between sth. and sth. [in hours]
entraver qn./qc. dans qc.to be a hindrance to sb./sth. in sth.
faire qc. sur ordre de qn./qc.to do sth. at the behest of sb./sth.
privilégier qc. sur qc. d'autreto give more importance to sth. than to sth. else
arguer qc. pour faire qc.to give sth. as a reason for doing sth.
prétexter de qc. pour faire qc.to use sth. as an excuse for doing sth.
s'autoriser de qc. pour faire qc.to use sth. as an excuse to do sth.
bourrer qc. de qc.to saturate sth. with sth. [e.g. a market with products]
mil. ravitailler qn./qc. en qc. [vivres]to provide sb./sth. with fresh supplies of sth. [troops, town]
arts laisser dégouliner qc. sur qc.to dribble sth. onto sth. [e.g. paint]
truffer qc. de qc. [citations, etc.] [fig.]to lard sth. with sth. [quotations, etc.] [fig.]
abreuver qn./qc. de qc.to load sb./sth. with sth. [fig.] [to excess]
attacher qc. à qc. [p.ex. vélo]to lock sth. to sth. [e.g. bike]
enliser qn./qc. dans qc. [aussi fig.]to mire sb./sth. in sth. [also fig.]
délayer qc. avec qc. [farine]to mix sth. with sth. [e.g. flour]
laisser tomber lourdement qc. sur qc.to plonk sth. on sth. [esp. Br.] [coll.]
consacrer qc. à qc. [temps, effort]to put sth. into sth. [invest time, effort]
délayer qc. dans qc. [diluer, peinture]to thin sth. with sth. [e.g. paint]
fin. répercuter qc. sur qn./qc. [coûts]to pass sth. on to sb./sth. [costs]
mettre qc. sur le compte de qn./qc. [fig.]to put sth. down to sb./sth. [attribute]
répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.)sharing out of sth. (among sb./sth.)
dr. attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to attest that sb./sth. has done sth.
remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas]to bring sb./sth. back up from sth.
mobiliser qn./qc. pour faire qc.to call upon sb./sth. to do sth.
attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to certify that sb./sth. has done sth.
complimenter qn./qc. d'avoir fait qc.to compliment sb./sth. on having done sth.
trouver qc. à dire sur qn./qc.to find sth. to say about sb./sth.
abriter qn./qc. de qc.to get sb./sth. into safety from sth.
méd. faire une injection de qc. à qn./qc.to give sb./sth. an injection of sth.
attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to prove that sb./sth. has done sth.
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