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French-English translation for: fournir
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Dictionary French English: fournir

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

French English
VERB1   fournir | fournis | avoir fourni | fournissant
VERB2   se fournir | me fournis | s'être fourni | se fournissant
fournir qc.
to provide sth.
fournir qc.
to supply sth.
fournir qc.to furnish sth. [provide]
jeux fournir qc. [cartes]to deal sth.
fournir qc. [contribution, paiement]to make sth. [give]
fournir qc. [effort]to contribute sth. [e.g. effort]
fournir qc. [exemple]to give sth. [e.g. example]
fournir qc. [preuve, alibi]to produce sth. [furnish]
2 Words: Verbs
fournir qc. à qn. [biens, données]to supply sb. with sth.
fournir qc. à qn. [contribution]to make sth. to sb. [give]
fournir qc. à qn. [exemple]to give sth. to sb.
fournir qc. à qn. [moyen]to provide sb with sth.
3 Words: Verbs
fournir des précisionsto give details
fournir des référencesto provide references
comm. fournir la marchandiseto provide the goods
fournir la preuveto furnish proof
fournir la preuveto give proof
comm. fournir un serviceto provide a service
comm. fournir un serviceto supply a service
comm. se fournir chez qn.to buy from sb.
4 Words: Verbs
occup. fournir des références sur qn.to act as a referee for sb. [in context of job application]
fournir matière à plaisanterieto make people smile
fournir un effort intenseto strain every nerve [idiom]
fournir un gros effortto put in a lot of effort
immo. fournir un logement à qn.to find sb. a place to live
fournir un prétexte à qc.to provide a pretext for sth.
fournir un prétexte à qn.to give sb. an excuse
fournir un renseignement à qn.to provide sb. with some information
occup. fournir un travail à qn.to find sb. a job
comm. se fournir auprès de qn.to buy from sb.
5+ Words: Verbs
sociol. fournir le vivre et le couvert à qn.to provide money and food for sb.
dr. fournir un alibi très solideto give a watertight alibi
fournir une occasion en or à qn. [fig.] [loc.]to furnish sb. a fit occasion [idiom] [dated]
5+ Words: Nouns
occup. personne {f} pouvant fournir des référencesreferee [in context of job application]
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