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French-English translation for: franchir
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Dictionary French English: franchir

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

French English
VERB   franchir | franchis | avoir franchi | franchissant
franchir qc. [obstacle]
to overcome sth. [obstacle]
franchir qc. [fleuve, montagne]to negotiate sth. [river, mountain]
franchir qc. [frontière, etc.]to cross sth. [borders, etc.]
franchir qc. [mur, barrière, clôture]to get over sth.
franchir qc. [pont]to go across sth. [bridge]
2 Words: Verbs
sport franchir l'arrivéeto cross the goal line
3 Words: Verbs
sport franchir la barreto clear the bar
franchir le cap [fig.]to clear an obstacle
franchir le pasto take the plunge
franchir le Rubicon [loc.]to cross the Rubicon [idiom]
franchir le seuilto cross the threshold
franchir qc. d'un bondto jump across sth. [e.g. chasm]
franchir qc. d'un bondto jump over sth. [e.g. chasm]
franchir qc. d'un bondto leap across sth. [e.g. chasm]
franchir qc. d'un bondto leap over sth. [e.g. chasm]
franchir un guéto cross a ford
franchir un obstacleto clear an obstacle
franchir un obstacle [fig.]to overcome an obstacle
franchir une distanceto cover a distance
franchir une épreuve [surmonter]to pass a test
4 Words: Verbs
franchir la ligne jaune [fig.]to cross a boundary [mostly fig.] [e.g. moral boundary]
franchir la ligne jaune [fig.] [loc.]to cross the red line [fig.] [idiom]
franchir le cap (de qc.) [fig.]to reach the milestone (of sth.) [fig.]
franchir le seuil de qc.to cross the threshold of sth.
franchir qc. petit à petit [rebord]to inch along sth. [ledge]
franchir un cap difficileto get through a difficult period
franchir un palier supplémentaireto go one stage further
5+ Words: Verbs
sport franchir la ligne de but [football]to cross the goal line [football]
franchir le cap de la cinquantaineto turn fifty
aviat. franchir le mur du sonto break the sound barrier
franchir les limites de la décenceto go beyond the bounds of decency
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