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French-English translation for: gêner qn
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Dictionary French English: gêner qn

Translation 1 - 50 of 10497  >>

gêner qn. [importuner]to inconvenience sb.
gêner qn. [importuner]to put sb. out [inconvenience]
gêner qn./qc.to disturb sb./sth.
gêner qn./qc. [encombrer]to be in the way of sb./sth.
gêner qn./qc. [entraver]to cramp sb./sth. [fig.]
gêner qn. [déranger par sa présence]to bother sb.
gêner qn. [mettre mal à l'aise]to embarrass sb.
Keywords contained
gêner le champ de vision de qn.to block sb.'s view
gêner les efforts de qn. pour faire qc.to hinder sb. in their efforts to do sth.
Partial Matches
trafic gêner qc. [circulation]to block sth.
trafic gêner qc. [circulation]to obstruct sth.
météo. gêner qc. [événement]to disrupt sth. [e.g. by bad weather]
gêner qc. [progrès]to hamper sth.
méd. gêner qc. [respiration]to restrict sth. [breathing]
se gêner [personnes]to get in each other's way
Pourquoi se gêner ?Why hesitate?
trafic gêner la circulationto hold up the traffic
gêner le passageto be in the way
gêner un peuto be a bit awkward
gêner un peuto be a bit of a nuisance
gêner un peuto cause some minor discomfort
ne pas se gênerto not be shy
ne pas se gênerto show no restraint
se gêner pour faire qc.to put oneself out to do sth. [idiom]
dr. gêner la police dans l'exercice de ses fonctionsto obstruct the police
brancher qn. avec qn./qc. [fam.] [mettre en rapport]to put sb. in touch with sb./sth.
être ballotté entre qn./qc. et qn./qc. [loc.]to be torn between sb./sth. and sb./sth. [idiom]
tenir qn./qc. hors de portée de qn./qc.to keep sb./sth. away from sb./sth.
confondre qn./qc. avec qn./qc. (d'autre)to mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. (else)
discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom]to discredit sb./sth. in sb.'s eyes [loc.]
discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom]to discredit sb./sth. in the eyes of sb. [loc.]
placer qn. sous la protection de qn./qc.to place sb. under the protection of sb./sth.
se renseigner auprès de qn. sur qn./qc.to ask sb. about sb./sth.
soustraire qn./qc. à la vue de qn.to hide sb./sth. from sb.'s view
dissocier qn./qc. de qn./qc. [séparer]to separate sb./sth. from sb./sth.
lier qn./qc. à qn./qc. [attacher]to bind sb./sth. to sb./sth.
dr. livrer qn. à qn./qc. [criminel, prisonnier]to hand sb. over to sb./sth.
livrer qn./qc. à qn./qc. [abandonner]to abandon sb./sth. to sb./sth.
faire passer qn./qc. avant qn./qc.to put sb./sth. before sb./sth.
mettre qn. en garde contre qn./qc.to warn sb. about sb./sth.
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favour of sb./sth. [Br.]
acclimater qn./qc. à qn./qc.to accustom sb./sth. to sb./sth.
arracher qn./qc. de qn./qc.to snatch sb./sth. from sb./sth.
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to bracket sb./sth. with sb./sth. [equate]
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to equate sb./sth. with sb./sth.
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to liken sb./sth. with sb./sth.
coller qn./qc. à qn. [fam.]to foist sb./sth. on sb.
coller qn./qc. à qn. [fam.]to saddle sb./sth. with sb.
comparer qn./qc. à qn./qc.to compare sb./sth. to sb./sth.
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