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French-English translation for: hall
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Dictionary French English: hall

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NOUN   le hall | les halls
NOUN   a hall | halls
SYNO   antechamber | anteroom ... 
arch. couloir {m}
hall [corridor]
arch. salle {f} [de château, palais]hall
arch. immo. hall {m} [d'une banque, d'un hôtel ou immeuble d'habitation, dans un musée]hall [entrance area of a flat or public building, large room of museum]
arch. immo. entrée {m} [dans une maison]hall [entrance area of a house]
(grande) salle {f}hall [large room for events, meetings]
hall {m} (d'entrée)lobby [hall]
2 Words: Nouns
arch. vestibule {m}(entrance) hall
salle {f} des séancesassembly hall
arch. relig. salle {f} paroissialechurch hall
adm. mairie {f}city hall [Am.]
arch. mus. auditorium {m}concert hall
arch. mus. salle {f} de concertconcert hall
salle {f} de congrèsconference hall
danse dancing {m}dance hall
cuis. réfectoire {m} [d'une école]dining hall
mil. salle {f} d'armes [pour exercice]drill hall [Br.]
hall {m} d'expositionexhibition hall
market. salle {f} d'exposition [grande pièce]exhibition hall
arch. salle {f} des pas perdus [tribunal, station]front hall [court, station]
math. sous-groupe {m} de HallHall subgroup
arch. éduc. amphi {m} [fam.]lecture hall
éduc. amphithéâtre {m}lecture hall
éduc. auditoire {m} [belge] [suisse] [salle de conférence, amphithéâtre]lecture hall
arch. éduc. aula {f} [grande salle]lecture hall
foyer {m} [lieu de réunion]meeting hall
comm. ind. atelier {m} de productionproduction hall
arch. sport salle {f} omnisportssports hall
éduc. permanence {f}study hall [Am.]
adm. arch. pol. salle {f} municipaletown hall
adm. hôtel {m} de villetown hall
adm. mairie {f}town hall [Br.]
sociol. urban salle {f} communalevillage hall
salle {f} des fêtes [dans un village]village hall
hall {m} d'attentewaiting hall
salle {f} des pas perduswaiting hall
3 Words: Nouns
arch. hist. Galerie {f} des Glaces à VersaillesHall of Mirrors [Versailles]
math. lemme {m} des mariagesHall's marriage theorem
math. théorème {m} de HallHall's marriage theorem
arch. éduc. grande salle {f}main (lecture) hall
éduc. grand amphithéâtre {m}main lecture hall
salle {f} polyvalentemulti-purpose hall [e.g. in a village]
sociol. mariage {m} civiltown hall wedding
4 Words: Nouns
comm. hist. textile Halles {f.pl} aux drapsCloth Hall in Ypres
math. phys. effet {m} Hall quantique fractionnairefractional quantum Hall effect <FQHE>
5+ Words: Others
La salle de concert était pleine à craquer.The concert hall was packed.
5+ Words: Verbs
sociol. se marier civilementto get married at city hall [Am.]
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