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French-English translation for: having said that [nevertheless]
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Dictionary French English: having said that [nevertheless]

Translation 1 - 50 of 1098  >>

à part cela {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
ceci dit {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
en dehors de cela {adv}having said that [nevertheless]
Partial Matches
à part cela {adv}that said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}that said [nevertheless]
en dehors de cela {adv}that said [nevertheless]
à part cela {adv}that being said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}that being said [nevertheless]
en dehors de cela {adv}that being said [nevertheless]
cela dithaving said that
à part cela {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
ceci dit {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
cela dit {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
en dehors de cela {adv}this being said [nevertheless]
ceci dit {adv}that being said
entendre dire que ...to hear (it said) that ...
On aurait dit que ...One would have said that ...
On eût dit que ... [littéraire]One would have said that ...
Plaît-il ? [fam.]What was that you said?
Tout lecteur lui saura gré d'avoir dit ...Every reader will be grateful that he has said ...
néanmoins {conj}yet [nevertheless]
dit {past-p}said
ayant {pres-p}having
Lança-t-il.He said.
joliment dit {adj} {past-p}nicely said
Bien dit !Well said!
Bien parlé !Well said!
déjeunant {adj} {pres-p}having lunch
commencer à avoir qc.to start having sth.
après être alléafter having gone
hors d'autorité {adj}having no authority
audit lieu {adv} [littéraire] [au dit lieu]at the said place
après avoir fait qc.after having done sth.
non endetté {adj}having no debts [postpos.]
en référence à qc. {adv}having regard to sth.
convenir avoir fait qc.to admit having done sth.
se souvenir d'avoir fait qc.to remember having done sth.
pourvu d'une grande imagination {adj}having plenty of imagination
se repentir de l'avoir faitto regret having done it
d'après elle {adv}according to what she said
Elle l'a dit elle-même.She said it to herself.
Le geste était très éloquent.The gesture said it all.
accuser qn. d'avoir trichéto accuse sb. of having cheated
avouer avoir fait qc.to admit to having done sth.
se glorifier d'avoir fait qc.to boast about having done sth.
avouer avoir fait qc.to confess to having done sth.
ne pas supporter de faire qc.to resent having to do sth.
compte tenu de son âge {adv}having regard to his age
à demi-mot {adv}without having to say everything
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