| French | English | |
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SEE ALSO kindhearted |
| bienveillant {adj} | kind-hearted | |
Keywords contained |
| personne {f} de cœur | kind-hearted person | |
Partial Matches |
| généreux {adj} | big-hearted | |
| partageur {adj} | big-hearted | |
| foireux {adj} [qui a peur] | chicken-hearted | |
| impitoyable {adj} | cold-hearted | |
| couard {adj} [littéraire] | faint-hearted | |
| timide {adj} [personne] | faint-hearted | |
| généreux {adj} | good-hearted | |
| insensible {adj} | hard-hearted | |
| cafardeux {adj} [fam.] | heavy-hearted | |
| partageur {adj} | large-hearted | |
| sensible {adj} | tender-hearted | |
| généreux {adj} | great-hearted [magnanimous] | |
| tiède {adj} [fig.] [peu enthousiaste] | half-hearted [unenthusiastic] | |
| avoir un cœur sec | to be cold-hearted | |
| avoir bon cœur | to be good-hearted | |
| dégonflé {m} [fam.] | chicken-hearted person | |
| pol. tiède {m} [membre d'un parti, groupe] | half-hearted supporter | |
| mus. chansonnette {f} [frivole] | light-hearted song | |
| tendre {m} | soft-hearted person | |
| partageur {adj} | warm-hearted [action, gesture] | |
| pol. tiède {f} [membre d'un parti, groupe] | half-hearted supporter [female] | |
| tendre {f} | soft-hearted person [female] | |
| un peu mou {adj} [fig.] [tentative, sourire] | half-hearted [fig.] [attempt, smile] | |
| aimable {adj} | kind | |
| bienveillant {adj} | kind | |
| bon {adj} [bienveillant] | kind | |
| chouette {adj} [fam.] [gentil] | kind | |
| gentil {adj} | kind | |
| sympathique {adj} | kind | |
| sorte {f} | kind | |
| espèce {f} | kind [type] | |
| type {m} | kind [type] | |
| Meilleurs souvenirs ! | Kind regards! | |
| délicatesses {f.pl} [gestes aimables] | kind attentions | |
| bienfait {m} [acte généreux] | kind deed | |
| bon mouvement {m} | kind gesture | |
| gracieuseté {f} [mot aimable] | kind word | |
| trempe {f} [caractéristique d'une personne] | kind [of person] | |
| genre {m} [espèce, type, sorte] | kind [type, sort] | |
| comm. fin. prestation {f} en nature | allowance in kind | |
| comm. fin. prestation {f} en nature | benefit in kind | |
| fin. avantages {m.pl} en nature | benefits in kind | |
| occup. prestations {f.pl} en nature | benefits in kind | |
| forme {f} de harcèlement | kind of bullying | |
| comm. fin. prestation {f} en nature | payment in kind | |
| restitution {f} en nature | restitution in kind | |
| assez drôle {adj} [fam.] | kind of funny [coll.] | |
| Tu es adorable ! | You're so kind! | |
| se montrer bienveillant envers qn. | to be kind to sb. | |
| une telle chose {pron} [une chose pareille] | something of the kind | |
| Quelle attention délicate ! | What a kind thought! | |
| Vous êtes trop gentil. | You are too kind. | |
| C'est gentil à vous. | It's kind of you. | |
| unique {adj} | one of a kind [postpos.] | |
| C'est gentil à vous. | That's kind of you. | |
| Voulez-vous avoir l'obligeance de ... | Would you be kind enough to ... | |
| avoir l'obligeance de faire qc. | to be kind enough to do sth. | |
| avoir la complaisance de faire qc. | to be kind enough to do sth. | |
| avoir la gentillesse de faire qc. | to be kind enough to do sth. | |
| avoir un mot gentil pour qn. | to have a kind word for sb. | |
| en nature {adv} [payer, régler] | in kind [idiom] [in the same way] | |
| être du même tonneau | to be of the same kind [mainly negative] | |
| comm. fin. en nature {adv} [payer, régler] | in kind [idiom] [remuneration in goods, not money] | |
| Puis-je vous demander de bien vouloir ... | May I ask you to be so kind as to ... | |
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