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French-English translation for: laisser qn qc en rade
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Dictionary French English: laisser qn qc en rade

Translation 1 - 50 of 30975  >>

laisser qn./qc. en rade [fam.]to leave sb./sth. in the lurch [idiom]
Partial Matches
sociol. laisser qc. en héritage à qn.to bequeath sth. to sb.
sociol. laisser qc. en héritage à qn.to hand down sth. to sb. [bequeath]
sociol. laisser qc. en héritage à qn.to leave sb. sth. [bequeath]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to fink out on sb. [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. flat [coll.] [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. in the lurch [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. out in the cold [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. to twist in the wind [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to skip out on sb. [coll.] [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [planter]to leave sb. high and dry [coll.] [idiom] [abandon]
laisser croupir qn. en prisonto leave sb. to rot in prison
se laisser mener en bateau (par qn.)to let yourself be taken for a ride (by sb.)
laisser qc. en attenteto leave sth. undone [unfinished]
laisser qc. en attenteto leave sth. unfinished
laisser qc. en attenteto leave sth. unfulfilled [unfinished]
laisser qc. en gageto leave sth. as security
laisser qc. en suspensto leave sth. in mid-air [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [plaquer une amie etc.]to dump sb. [get rid of a girlfriend etc.]
laisser qc. en plan [loc.]to leave sth. unfinished
laisser qc. en jachère [fig.] [talent]to leave sth. undeveloped
laisser qc. en jachère [fig.] [talent]to leave sth. untapped
laisser qc. à qn.to leave sb. sth.
laisser qn. faire qc.to let sb. do sth.
laisser reposer qn./qc.to allow sb./sth. to rest
laisser tomber qn./qc.to drop sb./sth.
se laisser berner en faisant qc. [loc.]to be fooled into doing sth. [idiom]
laisser entrevoir qc. à qn.to hold out the prospect of sth.to sb.
laisser passer qc. à qn.to let sb. get away with sth.
laisser présager qc. à qn.to suggest sth. to sb.
laisser choir qn./qc. [aussi fig.]to ditch sb./sth. [also fig.]
laisser choir qn./qc. [aussi fig.]to drop sb./sth. [also fig.]
se laisser apitoyer par qn./qc.to feel compassion for sb./sth.
se laisser déborder par qn./qc.to let oneself be overwhelmed by sb./sth.
sport se laisser devancer par qn./qc.to fall behind sb./sth.
se laisser intimider par qn./qc.to be intimidated by sb./sth.
se laisser obnubiler par qn./qc.to let sb./sth. cloud one's judgment
laisser entrer qn./qc. [visiteur, lumière etc.]to let sb./sth. in [visitor, light etc.]
laisser qn. dans l'ignorance de qc.to keep sb. in ignorance of sth.
laisser qc. à la discrétion de qn.to leave sth. to sb.'s discretion
laisser à qn. toute latitude de faire qc.to give sb. plenty of scope to do sth.
laisser le soin à qn. de faire qc.to leave sth. to sb. [chore, decision etc.]
rester en rade [fam.] [personne]to be left stranded
rester en rade [fam.] [projet]to be shelved [coll.] [project]
mettre qn. en garde contre qn./qc.to warn sb. about sb./sth.
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favour of sb./sth. [Br.]
transformer qn./qc. en qn./qc.to transform sb./sth. into sb./sth.
transformer qn./qc. en qn./qc.to turn sb./sth. into sb./sth.
mil. ravitailler qn./qc. en qc. [vivres]to provide sb./sth. with fresh supplies of sth. [troops, town]
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