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French-English translation for: médecin.
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Dictionary French English: médecin

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

French English
NOUN   le médecin | les médecins
méd. occup. médecin {m}
doctor [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m}physician [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} [généraliste](medical) practitioner [male & female]
2 Words: Nouns
méd. occup. femme {f} médecinwoman doctor
méd. occup. Unverified médecin {f} traitantedoctor in charge [female]
méd. occup. Unverified médecin {f} traitantephysician in charge [female]
méd. médecin {m} charlatanquack-doctor [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} d'urgencecasualty doctor [Br.] [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} d'urgenceemergency doctor [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} d'urgenceemergency physician [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} d'urgenceemergency medicine specialist [Am.] [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} d'urgencedoctor on emergency call [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} généraliste <MG>general practitioner <GP> [Br.] [male & female]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légistecoroner [Am.] [Can.]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légistepathologist [doing post-mortems]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légisteforensic scientist
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légistemedical examiner
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légiste [femme]pathologist [doing post-mortems] [female]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légiste [femme]forensic scientist [female]
dr. méd. occup. médecin {m} légiste [femme]medical examiner [female]
méd. mil. occup. médecin {m} militairearmed forces doctor [male or female]
méd. nucl. occup. médecin {m} nucléairenuclear physician
méd. occup. médecin {m} réanimateurintensive care doctor
méd. occup. médecin {m} réanimateurintensive care physician
méd. occup. médecin {m} spécialiste(medical) consultant [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} spécialiste(medical) specialist
méd. occup. médecin {m} spécialisteconsulting physician [male & female]
méd. occup. sport médecin {m} sportifsports physician [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} traitantattending physician [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} traitantdoctor in charge [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin-adjoint {m} [suisse]consultant [Br.] [senior physician]
méd. occup. médecin-adjoint {m} [suisse]senior physician
méd. occup. médecin-adjointe {f} [suisse]consultant [Br.] [senior physician] [female]
méd. occup. médecin-adjointe {f} [suisse]senior physician [female]
méd. occup. médecin-assistant {m} [suisse]assistant doctor
méd. occup. médecin-assistant {m} [suisse]assistant physician
méd. occup. médecin-assistant {m} [suisse]junior doctor [Br.]
méd. occup. médecin-assistante {f} [suisse]assistant doctor [female]
méd. occup. médecin-assistante {f} [suisse]assistant physician [female]
méd. occup. médecin-assistante {f} [suisse]junior doctor [female] [Br.]
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}chief physician
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}head physician
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}principal consultant [Am.] [in hospitals]
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}senior consultant [Br.]
méd. occup. médecin-cheffe {f}chief physician [female]
méd. occup. médecin-cheffe {f}head physician [female]
méd. occup. médecin-cheffe {f}principal consultant [female] [Am.] [in hospitals]
méd. occup. médecin-cheffe {f}senior consultant [female] [Br.]
3 Words: Verbs
méd. radier un médecinto strike off a doctor
3 Words: Nouns
adm. dr. méd. attestation {f} du médecindoctor's certificate
méd. occup. médecin {m} de famillefamily doctor [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} de famillefamily physician [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} de famillefamily practitioner [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} de famillegeneral practitioner <GP> [Br.] [male & female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} de familleprimary care physician [Am.] <PCP> [male & female]
méd. occup. sport médecin {m} du sportsports physician [male & female]
méd. occup. trousse {f} de médecindoctor's bag
4 Words: Verbs
méd. aller chez le médecinto go to the doctor's
4 Words: Nouns
méd. occup. médecin {m} en soins intensifscritical care doctor
méd. occup. médecin {m} en soins intensifsintensive care doctor
méd. occup. médecin {m} en soins intensifs [femme]critical care doctor [female]
méd. occup. médecin {m} en soins intensifs [femme]intensive care doctor [female]
5+ Words: Others
méd. VocVoy. J'ai besoin de voir un médecin.I need to see a doctor.
méd. pharm. Le médecin me fait prendre des antibiotiques.The doctor has put me on antibiotics.
5+ Words: Verbs
méd. attendre la venue du médecinto wait for the doctor to come
éduc. méd. occup. se sentir une vocation de médecinto feel called upon to be a doctor
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Le Médecin de campagne [Honoré de Balzac] [1833]The Country Doctor
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