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French-English translation for: mess with sth.
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Dictionary French English: mess with sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 21156  >>

Keywords contained
chahuter avec qn./qc.to mess around with sb./sth.
On ne plaisante pas avec qn./qc.One doesn't mess with sb./sth.
Partial Matches
s'accrocher avec qn. [fam.]to mess with sb. [coll.]
s'acoquiner avec qn.to mess about with sb. [engage in an affair]
s'acoquiner avec qn.to mess around with sb. [engage in an affair]
gâcher qc.to mess sth. up
mettre la pagaille dans qc.to mess sth. up
mettre qc. en désordreto mess sth. up
mettre qc. en pagailleto mess sth. up
louper qc. [fam.]to mess sth. up [coll.]
saloper qc. [fam.] [faire très mal un travail]to mess sth. up [coll.]
foutre qc. en l'air [fam.] [occasions]to mess sth. up [coll.] [chances]
bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire]to make a mess of sth.
déranger qc. [mettre en désordre]to make a mess of sth.
massacrer qc. [fam.] [détériorer]to make a mess of sth.
saloper qc. [fam.] [faire très mal un travail]to make a mess of sth.
entacher qc.to make a mess on sth.
faire capoter qc. [fam.] [plans, etc.]to mess sth. up [coll.] [plans etc.]
bousiller qc. [p. ex. maison]to mess sth. up [e.g. house]
massacrer qc. [fam.] [maltraiter]to make a complete mess of sth.
arranger qc. [iron.] [fam.]to make a complete mess of sth. [coll.]
arranger qc. [iron.] [fam.]to make a right mess of sth. [coll.] [Br.]
occup. concilier qc. avec qc. [p. ex. famille et travail]to balance sth. with sth. [e.g. work and family]
farcir qc. avec qc. [fam.]to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.]
farcir qc. de qc. [fam.]to fill sth. choc-a-block with sth. [coll.] [Br.]
cuis. enrober qc. de qc. [fruits, dragées, etc. de chocolat, etc.]to coat sth. with sth. [e.g. with chocolate]
tendre qc. de qc.to cover sth. with sth. [by stretching it over]
bourrer qc. de qc.to saturate sth. with sth. [e.g. a market with products]
mil. ravitailler qn./qc. en qc. [vivres]to provide sb./sth. with fresh supplies of sth. [troops, town]
truffer qc. de qc. [citations, etc.] [fig.]to lard sth. with sth. [quotations, etc.] [fig.]
abreuver qn./qc. de qc.to load sb./sth. with sth. [fig.] [to excess]
délayer qc. avec qc. [farine]to mix sth. with sth. [e.g. flour]
délayer qc. dans qc. [diluer, peinture]to thin sth. with sth. [e.g. paint]
annexer qc. à qc.to enclose sth. with sth. [place sth. in an envelope together with a letter]
éblouir qn./qc. par qc. [lumière]to dazzle sb./sth. with sth. [light]
honorer qn./qc. de qc.to honor sb./sth. with sth. [Am.]
honorer qn./qc. de qc.to honour sb./sth. with sth. [Br.]
cuis. entrelarder qc. de qc. [aussi fig.]to lard sth. with sth. [also fig.]
badigeonner qc. de qc.to slather sth. with sth. [cover thickly]
ré-équiper qn./qc. de qc.to re-equip sb./sth. with sth.
adm. mettre qc. en conformité avec qc.to bring sth. into compliance with sth.
aligner qc. sur qc. [rendre conforme à]to bring sth. into line with sth.
pallier qc. par qc.to make up for sth. with sth.
contraster qc. avec qc.to set sth. in contrast with sth.
parer qn./qc. avec qc.to adorn sb./sth. with sth.
armes mil. armer qn./qc. de qc.to arm sb./sth. with sth.
grever qn./qc. de qc.to burden sb./sth. with sth.
méd. brûler qc. à qc.to cauterise sth. with sth. [Br.]
riposter à qn./qc. par qc.to counter sb./sth. with sth.
désabuser qn./qc. de qc.to disenchant sb./sth. with sth.
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