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Dictionary French English: most

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

ADJ1   much | more | most
ADJ2   many | more | most
SYNO   most | to the highest degree | about ... 
au max {adv} [fam.]at most
dans le meilleur des cas {adv}at most
assurément {adv}most certainly
le plus souvent {adv}most commonly
la plupart du temps {adv}most commonly
presque tout le monde {pron}most everyone
plus probablement {adv}most likely
très probablement {adv}most likely
très vraisemblablement {adv}most likely
le plus souvent {adv}most often
la plupart du temps {adv}most often
plus probablement {adv}most probably
très probablement {adv}most probably
très vraisemblablement {adv}most probably
À votre service !Most welcome!
2 Words: Nouns
majeure partie {f} des gensmost people
les trois quarts {m.pl} des gensmost people
3 Words: Others
au maximum {adv}at (the) most
au plus {adv}at (the) most
tout au plus {adv}at (the) most
au max {adv} [fam.]at the most
le plus souvent {adv}at the most
dans le meilleur des cas {adv}at the most
dans la majorité des cas {adv}in most cases
principalement {adv}most of all
avant toute chose {adv}most of all
par-dessus tout {adv}most of all
plus que tout {adv}most of all
la plupart d'entre eux {pron}most of them
3 Words: Nouns
doyen {m}(most) senior member
doyenne {f}(most) senior member [female]
relig. Très-Haut {m}Most High (God)
sport sport {m} roimost popular sport
4 Words: Others
à tout casser {adv} [fam.]at the (very) most
au grand maximum {adv}at the very most
tout au plus {adv}at the very most [idiom]
enfin et surtout {adv}finally and most importantly
principalement {adv}for the most part
à tout prendre {adv}for the most part
en (grande) majorité {adv}for the most part
pour la plupart {adv}for the most part
dans l'ensemble {adv}for the most part [idiom]
en gros {adv}for the most part [idiom]
dans les grandes lignes {adv}for the most part [idiom]
de l'avis général {adv}in most people's opinion
le plus clair de mon temps {adv}most of my time
le plus souvent {adv}most of the time
la plupart du temps {adv}most of the time
les trois quarts du temps {adv}most of the time
Ce qui m'a le plus surpris ...What surprised me most ...
4 Words: Verbs
profiter de qc. [privilège, occasion, situation]to make the most of sth.
tirer le meilleur parti de qc.to make the most of sth.
tirer profit de qc. [loc.]to make the most of sth. [idiom]
sport récolter le plus de médaillesto win the most medals
4 Words: Nouns
majorité {f} de la populationmost of the population
5+ Words: Others
par le plus grand des hasards {adv}by the most extraordinary coincidence
par le plus grand des hasards {adv}by the most incredible coincidence
C'est lui qui parle le plus.He's the one who talks the most.
La plus grande partie du mérite revient à l'auteur.Most of the credit should go to the author.
Renoir est un des plus célèbres peintres français.Renoir is one of the most famous French painters.
5+ Words: Verbs
Elle est l'artiste francophone la plus écoutée dans le monde.She is the most listened-to French-language singer in the world.
parer au plus presséto deal with the most urgent matters first
parer au plus urgentto deal with the most urgent matters first
oublier l'essentielto forget the most important thing
profiter d'une aubaineto make the most of an opportunity
profiter de qn. [fam.]to make the most of being with sb.
se valoriser [coquette]to make the most of oneself [idiom] [appearance]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. Ordre {m} de la Jarretière(the Most Noble) Order of the Garter [order of chivalry founded 1348 by Edward III, King of England]
hist. pol. Sérénissime Maison {f} de BraganceMost Serene House of Braganza [also: Brigantine Dynasty] [a dynasty of emperors, kings, princes, and dukes of Portuguese origin which reigned in Europe and the Americas]
géogr. hist. pol. sérénissime république {f} de Venise [697 - 1797]Most Serene Republic of Venice [also: Venetian Republic] [a sovereign maritime republic in parts of present-day northeastern Italy, which existed from 697 until 1797]
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