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French-English translation for: non-degradable
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Dictionary French English: non degradable

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écol. ultime {adj} [déchet]non-degradable
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dégradable {adj}degradable
biol. écol. biodégradable {adj}bio-degradable
méd. lymphome {m} non hodgkinien <LNH>non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <NHL>
pol. organisation {f} non gouvernementale <ONG>non-government organization <NGO>
méd. non sanglant {adj} [p. ex. traitement]non-invasive
dr. tech. non-conformité {f}non-compliance [to standards or regulations]
market. taux {m} de non-réponsenon-response rate
non-obéissance {f}non-compliance [with orders]
écon. biens {m.pl} non échangeablesnon-tradable goods
VocVoy. chambre {f} non-fumeurnon-smoking room
math. géométrie {f} non euclidiennenon-Euclidean geometry
jeux math. jeu {m} non coopératifnon-cooperative game
ling. langue {f} non-tonalenon-tonal language
littérat. littérature {f} non romanesquenon-fiction [Br.]
maison {f} non fumeurnon-smoking home
dr. philos. non-positivisme {m} juridiquelegal non-positivism
adm. aviat. trains partie {f} non-fumeursnon-smoking area
adm. aviat. trains partie {f} non-fumeursnon-smoking section
pol. pays {m} non-membrenon-member country
math. polygone {m} non-convexenon-convex polygon
textile textile {m} non-tissénon-woven fabric
zone {f} non-fumeurnon-smoking area
zone {f} non-fumeursnon-smoking section
non conformiste {adj}non-conformist [Br.]
écol. non-polluant {adj}non-toxic <NT>
non-conformisme {m}non-conformism [Br.]
textile non-tissé {m}non-woven fabric
écon. biens {m.pl} non échangeablesnon-tradables
littérat. littérature {f} non fictionnellenon-fiction
cuis. non comestible {adj}non-edible
non consensuel {adj}non-consensual
ling. non contextuel {adj}non-contextual
comm. non contractuel {adj}non-binding
non discuté {adj}non-discussed
non élastique {adj}non-elastic
biol. non épigénétique {adj}non-epigenetic
non essentiel {adj}non-essential
non exhaustif {adj}non-exhaustive
non historique {adj}non-historical
méd. non invasif {adj}non-invasive
math. non linéaire {adj}non-linear
non menaçant {adj}non-threatening
non naturel {adj}non-natural
non spatiale {adj}non-spatial
non thérapeutique {adj}non-therapeutic
chim. non volatil {adj}non volatile
chim. non volatil {adj}non-volatile
électr. phys. non-conducteur {adj}non-conducting
non-destructif {adj}non-destructive
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