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French-English translation for: nul
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Dictionary French English: nul

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

French English
ADJ   nul | nulle | nuls | nulles
nul {adj}hopeless [person: incompetent]
nul {adj}nil
nul {adj}pants [Br.] [sl.] [bad, trashy]
dr. nul {adj}void
nul {adj} [fam.]dire [Br.] [coll.] [awful, of poor quality]
nul {pron} [personne]nobody
nul {m} [péj.]nothing [fig.] [pej.] [insignificant person]
2 Words: Verbs
dr. déclarer qc. nulto invalidate sth.
dr. déclarer qc. nulto void sth.
dr. déclarer qc. nulto declare sth. void
pol. voter nulto return an invalid voting paper
2 Words: Nouns
math. anneau {m} nultrivial ring
math. anneau {m} nulzero ring
sport match {m} nuldraw [game]
math. objet {m} nulnull object
math. objet {m} nulzero object
sport score {m} nuldraw [Br.]
math. vecteur {m} nulzero vector
3 Words: Others
C'est nul ! [fam.]It sucks! [coll.]
comme nul autre {adv}like no other
nul à chier {adj} [vulg.] [très mauvais]shitty [vulg.] [very bad]
sans nul doute {adv}clearly [undoubtedly]
sans nul doute {adv}decidedly
sans nul doute {adv}indubitably
sans nul doute {adv}undeniably
sans nul doute {adv}undoubtedly
sans nul doute {adv}unmistakably
sans nul doute {adv}unquestionably
sans nul doute {adv}no doubt
sans nul doute {adv}without any doubt
3 Words: Verbs
être quasiment nulto be practically non-existent
sport faire match nulto (play a) draw [Br.]
4 Words: Others
à nul autre pareil {adj}without equal [postpos.]
dr. nul et non avenu {adj}null and void [postpos.]
Nul ne l'avait vu.Nobody had seen him.
sport sur un match nul {adv}with a draw
4 Words: Verbs
éduc. être nul en français [fam.] [loc.]to be hopeless at French [coll.] [idiom]
éduc. être nul en français [loc.]to be lousy at French [idiom]
éduc. être nul en français [loc.]to be terrible at French [idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
sport match {m} nul et viergegoalless draw [soccer]
sport match {m} nul et viergeno-score draw [soccer]
5+ Words: Others
ling. Je suis nul en orthographe.I can't spell.
dr. Le contrat n'est pas signé et de ce fait il est nul.The contract is invalid because it is unsigned.
dr. Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi.Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Nul ne le lui disputait en courage.Nobody could rival his courage.
5+ Words: Verbs
sport devoir concéder le match nul 1 à 1 face à Chelseato be held to a 1:1 draw by Chelsea
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