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Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

French-English translation for: petit-pont
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petit-pont in other languages:

English - French

Dictionary French English: petit pont

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sport faire un petit-pont à qn. [fam.]to nutmeg sb. [coll.] [soccer, hockey, etc] [push / kick the ball (or puck) between an opponent's legs]
Partial Matches
cuis. petit four {m} {nounnoun} [aussi : petit-four]petit-four
pont {m}bridge
aviat. pont {m} aérienairlift
naut. pont {m} arrièreafterdeck
naut. pont {m} arrièrequarterdeck
arch. pont-levis {m}drawbridge
dent. pont {m} amovibleremovable bridge
naut. pont {m} arrièreaft deck
naut. pont {m} arrièrestern deck
tech. pont {m} élévateurhydraulic lift
tech. pont {m} élévateurhydraulic ramp
auto transp. pont {m} élévateurtail lift
naut. pont {m} flottantfloating bridge
naut. pont {m} flottantpontoon bridge
naut. pont {m} inférieurlower deck
constr. mil. pont {m} provisoireprovisional bridge
constr. mil. pont {m} provisoiretemporary bridge
naut. pont {m} supérieurtop deck
naut. pont {m} supérieurupper deck
pont {m} suspenduchain bridge
pont {m} suspendususpension bridge
constr. pont {m} thermique(cold) gap
constr. pont {m} thermiquethermal bridge
arch. constr. trafic pont {m} tournantswing bridge
pont {m} tournantswinge bridge
constr. transp. pont {m} transbordeurtransporter bridge
mil. tête {f} de pontbeachhead
mil. tête {f} de pontbridgehead
naut. pont {m}deck [of a ship]
constr. trains pont {m} ferroviairerailroad bridge [Am.]
naut. sur le pont {adv}on deck
fin. trafic pont {m} à péagetoll bridge
électr. pont {m} de câblagewiring bridge
constr. pont {m} de corderope bridge
mil. tech. pont {m} de pontonfloating bridge
mil. tech. pont {m} de pontonpontoon bridge
constr. mil. pont {m} de secoursemergency bridge
constr. pont {m} sur chevaletstrestle bridge
constr. pont {m} sur pilotispile bridge
constr. trains pont {m} ferroviairerailway bridge [esp. Br.]
constr. pont {m} thermiquecold bridge [thermal bridge]
naut. pont-abri {m}covered deck [on ship]
électr. outil. tech. pont {m} de mesuremeasuring bridge circuit
occup. pont {m} [fig.] [long week-end]bridge day
aviat. mil. naut. pont {m} d'envolflight deck [on warship]
naut. pont {m} de bateaudeck of a ship
juste avant le pont {adv}just before the bridge
s'engager sur un pontto go onto a bridge
Le pont en face duquel ...The bridge opposite which ...
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