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French-English translation for: pied
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Dictionary French English: pied

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NOUN   le pied | les pieds
ADJ   pied | more pied | most pied
VERB  to pie | pied | pied ... 
anat. unit pied {m}
bot. pied {m}head [lettuce, celery, tobacco]
meub. pied {m} [de chaise]leg [of a chair]
2 Words: Others
à pied {adv}on foot
d'arrache-pied {adv}ceaselessly
en pied {adj}full-length [mirror, portrait]
2 Words: Verbs
avoir pied [dans l'eau]to have a foothold [in water]
lâcher piedto flee
lâcher piedto take flight
perdre pied [aussi fig.]to get out of one's depth [while paddling, bathing] [fig. too]
perdre pied [fig.] [perdre contenance]to lose the ground (under one's feet) [also fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
bicyc. cale-pied {m}toe clip
outil. vêt. chausse-pied {m}shoehorn
vêt. chausse-pied {m}shoe horn
contre-pied {m}opposing stance
équi. cure-pied {m}hoof pick
vêt. nu-pied {m}sandal
anat. méd. pied {m} bot [Pes equinovarus adductus (congenitus) / formerly Pes varus]clubfoot
anat. sport pied {m} d'appeltakeoff foot
anat. sport pied {m} d'appeltake-off foot
méd. pied {m} d'athlète [mycose des pieds]athlete's foot
méd. pied {m} plat [Pes planus]flat foot
anat. méd. pied {m} valgus [Pes adductus]strephenopodia
anat. méd. pied {m} valgus [Pes adductus]pigeon toe
anat. méd. pied {m} valgus [Pes adductus]sickle foot
anat. méd. pied {m} valgus [Pes adductus]talipes varus
pied-noir {m}pied noir [French man born in Algeria before independence]
ethn. Pied-noir {m} [Indien d'Amérique]Blackfeet
pied-noire {f}pied noire [French woman born in Algeria before indepencence]
ethn. Pied-noire {f} [Indienne d'Amérique]Blackfeet [female]
arch. immo. plain-pied {m}bungalow
arch. immo. plain-pied {m}single-storey accommodation [Br.]
arch. immo. plain-pied {m}single-story accommodation [Am.]
3 Words: Others
(accessible) à pied {adv}accessible on foot
à pied d'œuvre {adv}in place
à pied d'œuvre {adv}in situ [on site]
à pied d'œuvre {adv}on-site
à pied d'œuvre {adv}at the site
à pied d'œuvre {adv}on the premises
à pied d'œuvre {adv}on the spot
à pied sec {adv}on dry land
à pied sec {adv}with dry feet
au pied levé {adv} [loc.]extemporaneously
théâtre au pied levé {adv} [loc.]ad-lib
au pied levé {adv} [loc.]without preparation
au pied levé {adv} [loc.]off the cuff [coll.] [idiom] [extemporaneously, without preparation]
au pied levé {adv} [loc.]off the top of one's head [idiom]
au pied levé {adv} [loc.] [remplacer etc.]at short notice [idiom] [replace etc.]
de pied ferme {adv}staunchly
de pied ferme {adv}unwaveringly
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