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Dictionary French English: pig

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

NOUN   a pig | pigs
VERB  to pig | pigged | pigged ... 
SYNO   pig | pig bed | to pig | to pig it ... 
agr. zool. porcin {adj}pig [attr.]
zool. T
cochon {m}
zool. T
porc {m}
2 Words: Others
zool. en gestation {adj}in pig [pig]
borné {adj} {past-p}pig-headed
buté {adj}pig-headed [coll.]
cabochard {adj} [fam.]pig-headed [coll.]
d'une ignorance crasse {adj} [péj.] [fam.]pig-ignorant [pej.] [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
cuis. s'empiffrer [fam.]to pig oneself [coll.] [stuff oneself full of food]
cuis. se goinfrer [fam.]to pig oneself [coll.] [stuff oneself full of food]
cuis. se taper la cloche [fam.]to pig out [coll.]
cuis. se goinfrer [fam.]to pig out [idiom] [stuff oneself full of food]
2 Words: Nouns
zool. porc {m} celte [race de porc typique du nord-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique]Celtic pig
goinfre {m} [péj.]greedy pig [coll.] [pej.]
cuis. oreilles {f.pl} de porcpig ears
agr. occup. zool. porcher {m}pig farmer
agr. occup. éleveur {m} de porcspig farmer
agr. occup. zool. porchère {f}pig farmer [female]
ling. verlan {m}pig latin
agr. cheptel {m} porcinpig population
cuis. soie {f} de porcpig's bristle
cuis. oreille {f} de porcpig's ear
cuis. tête {f} de porcpig's head
cuis. foie {m} de porcpig's liver
cuis. pied {m} de cochonpig's trotter
cuis. pied {m} de porcpig's trotter
cuis. pieds {m.pl} de porcpig's trotters
cuis. cochon {m} de laitsucking-pig
cuis. porcelet {m} rôtisuckling pig
cuis. cochon {m} de laitsuckling pig
mycol. zool. cochon {m} truffiertruffle pig
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. pied {m} de porc bouilliboiled pig's trotter
bourrique {m} [fam.]pig-headed person
cabochard {m} [fam.]pig-headed person [coll.]
cabocharde {f} [fam.]pig-headed person [coll.] [female]
4 Words: Verbs
bâfrer (qc.) [fam.]to eat (sth.) like a pig
4 Words: Nouns
année {f} du cochon [astrologie chinoise]Year of the Pig
5+ Words: Others
C'est le type même du parfait macho !He's the epitome of the male chauvinist pig !
5+ Words: Verbs
servir de cobaye [loc.]to act as a guinea pig [idiom]
être comme un coq en pâte [loc.]to be like a pig in clover [idiom]
acheter chat en poche [fig.] [fam.]to buy a pig in a poke [fig.] [coll.]
s'en foutre plein la lampe [loc.] [fam.]to make a pig of oneself [idiom]
cuis. se goinfrer [fam.]to make a pig of oneself [idiom] [stuff oneself full of food]
bousiller qc. [travail : mal faire]to make a pig's ear of sth. [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
servir de cobaye à qn. [loc.]to serve as a guinea pig for sb. [idiom]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Truismes [Marie Darrieussecq (1996)]Pig Tales. A Novel of Lust and Transformation
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
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