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French-English translation for: poser
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Dictionary French English: poser

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VERB1   poser | pose | avoir posé | posant
VERB2   se poser | me pose | s'être posé | se posant
NOUN   a poser | posers
SYNO   model | poser | poser | poseur ... 
poser qc. [bombe]to plant sth.
poser qc. [cloison]to put up sth.
poser qc. [congé, vacances]to take sth.
poser qc. [livre, journal]to put down sth.
poser qc. [moquette]to lay sth.
poser qc. [principes, règles, limites]to lay down sth.
poser qc. [question]to ask sth.
poser qc. [radiateur]to install sth.
poser qc. [serrure]to fit sth.
poser qc. [vitre]to put in sth.
colle {f} [fam.] [question ardue]
poser [coll.] [difficult question]
faraud {m} [fam.]poser [coll.] [braggard]
faraude {f} [fam.]poser [coll.] [female]
poseur {m}poser [coll.]
poseuse {f}poser [coll.] [female]
2 Words: Verbs
poser nuto pose (in the) nude
poser que ...to suppose that ...
aviat. se poserto land
aviat. se poserto touch down [land]
se poser [problème, cas, question]to arise [e.g. question]
2 Words: Nouns
casse-tête {m} [fig.] [problème complexe]poser [coll.] [difficult problem or question]
3 Words: Verbs
faire se poser qc. [hélicoptère]to land sth. [helicopter]
faire se poser qc. [question]to raise sth. [question]
mil. poser les armesto lay down one's arms
poser qc. à platto lay sth. down flat
poser qc. comme préalableto lay sth. down as a precondition
poser qc. comme préalableto lay sth. down as a prior condition
poser qc. en préalableto lay sth. down as a precondition
poser qc. en préalableto lay sth. down as a prior condition
poser qc. par terreto put sth. down [on the ground]
poser qn. un lapin [loc.]to stand sb. up [not show up for a date]
poser ses conditionsto lay down one's conditions
poser une colle [fig.]to ask a tough question
dent. poser une couronneto crown a tooth
poser une questionto ask a question
poser une questionto pose / ask a question
se poser sur qc. [fam.]to plant oneself on sth. [coll.]
se poser sur qc. [oiseau, insecte]to alight on sth.
se poser sur qc. [oiseau, insecte]to settle on sth. [alight]
4 Words: Verbs
constr. poser la première pierreto lay the foundation stone
poser les bases de qc.to lay the foundations for sth.
poser les fondements de qc.to lay the foundations for sth.
poser les jalons de qc.to take the first steps towards sth.
poser les yeux sur qn./qc. [loc.]to look at sb./sth.
poser les yeux sur qn./qc. [loc.]to clap eyes on sb./sth. [idiom]
poser qc. sur la tableto put sth. on the table
poser son regard sur qn.to look at sb.
méd. poser un cathéter à qn.to catheterise sb. [Br.]
méd. poser un cathéter à qn.to catheterize sb.
poser une colle à qn. [fam.]to set sb. a poser [coll.]
poser une condition à qc.to set a condition for sth.
poser une question à qn.to ask sb. a question
dr. se poser en coupableto shoulder the blame
se poser en coupableto take the blame
dr. se poser en coupableto take the rap [coll.]
dr. se poser en justicierto set oneself up as judge
5+ Words: Others
sans se poser de questions {adv}unthinkingly
5+ Words: Verbs
poser des conditions préalables à une nominationto lay down certain preconditions for an appointment
poser des questions de fondto ask some fundamental questions
poser la première pierre de qc. [fig.]to lay the foundations of sth. [fig.]
pol. poser la question de confianceto call for a vote of confidence
poser sa candidature à un posteto apply for a job
poser un baiser sur la joue de qn.to plant a kiss on sb.'s cheek
poser un regard tendre sur qn.to look fondly at sb.
poser un regard tendre sur qn.to look tenderly at sb.
dent. se faire poser un plombageto have a filling [get a filling done]
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