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French-English translation for: post office
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Dictionary French English: post office

Translation 1 - 50 of 268  >>

NOUN   a post office | post offices
SYNO   PO | Post Office | US Post Office ... 
poste {f}post (office)
bureau {m} de postepost office
Keywords contained
occup. employé {m} de la postepost office employee
adm. agence {f} postalebranch post office [Am.]
occup. employée {f} de la postepost office employee [female]
boîte {f} mailpost-office box <POB>
adm. agence {f} postalesub post office [Br.]
occup. travailler à la posteto work for the Post Office
boîte {f} postale <BP>post office box <POB, PO Box>
case {f} postale <CP> [suisse]post office box <POB, PO Box>
Partial Matches
adm. comm. occup. fonction {f} [poste]post
internet post {m} [article, billet de blog ou publication sur les médias sociaux]post
mil. occup. poste {m}post
poteau {m}post
occup. rattacher qn. [employé]to post sb.
courrier {m} [reçu]post [Br.]
anat. post-coïtal {adj}post-coital
pol. postcolonial {adj}post-colonial
pol. post-vérité {adj}post-factual
en toute hâte {adv}post-haste
méd. post-ménopausique {adj}post-menopausal
méd. postopératoire {adj}post-operative
méd. postprandial {adj}post-prandial
méd. psych. post-traumatique {adj}post-traumatic
pol. post-vérité {adj}post-truth
mil. placer des gardesto post guards
poteau-frontière {m}boundary post
courrier {m} de NoëlChristmas post
poste {m} frontièrecustoms post
poste-frontière {m}customs post
poste {m} frontièrefrontier post
poste-frontière {m}frontier post
sport montant {m} de butgoal post
réverbère {m}lamp post
mil. mus. Last Post {m} [sonnerie aux morts réglementaire, en usage dans les armées du Commonwealth]Last Post
naut. duc-d'albe {m}mooring post
mil. observatoire {m}observation post
hist. orn. transp. colombogramme {m}pigeon post
transp. chaise {f} de postepost chaise
censure {f} postérieurepost-censorship
transp. chaise {f} de postepost-chaise
hist. pol. sociol. post-communisme {m}post-communism
philos. pol. sociol. post-démocratie {f}post-democracy
arts post-impressionnisme {m}post-impressionism
arts occup. post-impressionniste {m}post-impressionist
inform. post-traitement {m}post-processing
math. stat. poststratification {f}post-stratification
bicyc. tige {f} de selleseat post
trains mât {m} (de signal)signal post
naut. étambot {m}stern post
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