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French-English translation for: presser
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Dictionary French English: presser

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

French English
VERB1   presser | presse | avoir pressé | pressant
VERB2   se presser | me presse | s'être pressé | se pressant
NOUN   a presser | pressers
presser qc. [bouton]
to press sth.
presserto be pressing [urgent]
presserto be urgent
presser qc.to give sth. a squeeze
presser qc. [affaire, choses]to rush sth.
presser qc. [bouton]to push sth.
presser qc. [cadence]to speed sth. up [pace]
presser qc. [départ]to hasten sth.
presser qc. [serrer]to squeeze sth.
2 Words: Verbs
faire presser qn.to hurry sb. up
presser l'allure  pied]to quicken one's pace
auto presser l'allure [en véhicule]to speed up
presser qn. d'agirto press sb. for action
se presser [affluer]to throng
se presser [aller en nombre]to flock
se presser [se hâter]to hurry (up)
se presser [se hâter]to hurry along
3 Words: Others
sans se presser {adv}leisurely
sans se presser {adv}unhurriedly
sans se presser {adv}at a leisurely pace
sans se presser {adv}in a leisurely way
3 Words: Verbs
armes presser la détenteto squeeze the trigger
presser le pasto hurry
presser le pasto leg it [idiom] [walk in a hurry]
presser le pasto step on it [coll.] [idiom] [increase the effort or tempo of some activity]
presser le pasto get a move on [idiom]
presser le pasto get a wiggle on [Am.] [coll.]
presser qn. de faire qc. [pousser]to press sb. to do sth.
presser qn. de faire qc. [pousser]to urge sb. to do sth.
presser qn. de questionsto ply sb. with questions
presser qn. de répondreto press sb. for an answer
se presser à qc.to flock to sth.
se presser contre qn./qc.to press against sb./sth.
se presser contre qn./qc.to squash up against sb./sth.
se presser de [+inf.]to hasten to [+inf.]
4 Words: Verbs
entrer sans se presserto stroll in
presser qn. comme un citron [loc.]to squeeze sb. dry [idiom] [extract information]
presser qn. contre le murto squash sb. against the wall
presser qn. contre sa poitrineto press sb. to one's chest
presser qn. contre son cœurto press sb. to one's bosom
se presser autour de qn./qc.to crowd around sb./sth.
se presser autour de qn./qc.to swarm around sb./sth.
se presser de faire qc.to hurry up and do sth.
se presser le citron [fam.] [loc.]to rack one's brain [coll.] [idiom]
sortir sans se presserto stroll out
5+ Words: Others
Cessez de me presser !Stop pestering me!
5+ Words: Verbs
faire le tour du village sans se presserto potter around the village
presser deux objets l'un contre l'autreto press two objects together
presser qn. de prendre une décisionto press sb. for a decision
se presser vers la sortieto rush for the exit
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