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French-English translation for: print-manufacturer
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print-manufacturer in other languages:

English - French

Dictionary French English: print manufacturer

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

arts occup. typ. imagier {m} [fabricant]print-manufacturer
arts occup. typ. imagière {f} [frabricante]print-manufacturer [female]
Partial Matches
occup. confectionneur {m}manufacturer
ind. fabricant {m}manufacturer
ind. occup. industriel {m}manufacturer
occup. confectionneuse {f}manufacturer [female]
ind. occup. industrielle {f}manufacturer [female]
aviat. ind. avionneur {m}aircraft manufacturer
armes ind. fabricant {m} d'armesarms manufacturer
occup. fabricant {m} de balaisbroom manufacturer
comm. occup. textile drapier {m} [fabricant]cloth manufacturer
armes fabricant {m} d'armesgun manufacturer
alim. ind. huilier {m} [fabricant]oil manufacturer
ind. papetier {m} [industrie]paper manufacturer
armes fabricant {m} d'armesweapons manufacturer
comm. occup. textile drapière {f} [fabricant]cloth manufacturer [female]
occup. transp. fabricant {m} de chariotlorry manufacturer [Br.]
dr. ind. garantie {f} du fabricantmanufacturer's guarantee
occup. transp. fabricant {m} de chariottruck manufacturer [Am.]
alim. occup. préparateur {m} de glaces alimentairesice cream manufacturer
armes fabricant {m} d'armesmanufacturer of arms
armes fabricant {m} d'armesmanufacturer of guns
armes fabricant {m} d'armesmanufacturer of weapons
inform. faire une sortie sur imprimanteto print
édition exemplaire {m} [de gravure]print
arts gravure {f} [reproduction]print
textile imprimé {m} [tissu]print
photo. tirage {m} [résultat]print
alim. occup. préparatrice {f} de glaces alimentairesice cream manufacturer [female]
ind. équipementier {m}original equipment manufacturer <OEM>
typ. imprimer qc. [texte, journaux, étiquettes, billets]to print sth.
édition tirer qc. [livre]to print sth.
empreinte {f} de piedfoot print
photo. photo {f} sur papier brillantglossy print
photo. impression {f} en métalmetal print
arts gravure {f} numérotéenumbered print
inform. zone {f} d'impressionprint area
arts occup. graveur {m} d'estampesprint artist
inform. pilote {m} d'impressionprint driver
inform. pilote {m} d'imprimanteprint driver
journ. presse {f} écriteprint media
inform. aperçu {m} avant impressionprint preview
inform. file {f} d'attente d'impressionprint queue
arts occup. typ. imagier {m} [marchand d'images]print-seller
arts xylographie {f} [l'art]woodblock print
comm. disponible directement chez le fabricant {adj}available direct from the manufacturer
édition typ. en gros caractères {adj}large-print [attr.]
faire tourner la planche à billets [loc.]to print money [idiom]
arts occup. graveuse {f} d'estampesprint artist [female]
arts occup. typ. imagière {f} [marchande d'images]print-seller [female]
littérat. épuisé {adj} [publication, livre]out of print
dr. clauses {f.pl} en petits caractères(the) small print
inform. impression {f} à la demandeprint-on-demand
arts estampe {f}print [from etching, engraving]
typ. imprimer qc. en italiqueto print sth. in italics
dr. clauses {f.pl} en petits caractères(the) fine print [Am.]
imprimer recto versoto print on both sides
journ. tirer à 3 millions d'exemplaires [journal]to print 3 million copies [newspaper]
textile imprimer qc. [tissu]to print a design on sth.
édition tirer un livre à 300 exemplairesto print 300 copies of a book
comm. fabriquer qc. sous licence japonaiseto make sth. under licence from a Japanese manufacturer [Br.]
comm. fabriquer qc. sous licence japonaiseto make sth. under license from a Japanese manufacturer [Am.]
dr. éplucher un contrat [fig.]to read the small print of a contract
édition tirer à 50 000 exemplairesto have a (print) run of 50,000 (copies)
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