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French-English translation for: put-up
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Dictionary French English: put up

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

SYNO   to can | to put up | to tin ... 
héberger qn. [amis]to put sb. up
caser qn. [loger]to put sb. up [give accommodation]
dresser qc. [tente, chapiteau, échafaudage, monument]to put sth. up
constr. élever qc. [barrière, barricade, mur]to put sth. up [construct]
planter qc. [échelle, drapeau]to put sth. up [e.g. curtains]
constr. ériger qc.to put sth. up [erect]
afficher qc. [coller]to put sth. up [poster etc.]
poser qc. [cloison]to put up sth.
inciter qn. à qc.to put sb. up to sth. [coll.] [to encourage sb. to do sth. (wrong or unwise)]
entraîner qn. à faire qc.to put sb. up to sth. [coll.] [to encourage sb. to do sth. (wrong or unwise)]
hérisser le poil de qn. [fam.]to put sb.'s back up [coll.]
cabrer qn.to put sb.'s back up [idiom]
remonter qc. [remettre en haut]to put sth. back up
opposer une résistanceto put up resistance
constr. échafauderto put up scaffolding
subir qn./qc.to put up with sb./sth.
supporter qn./qc. [privations, malheur, attitude, conduite]to put up with sb./sth.
se coltiner qn./qc. [fam.]to put up with sb./sth.
tolérer qc. [insulte]to put up with sth.
faire avec qc. [fam.]to put up with sth.
s'accommoder de qc.to put up with sth.
s'accommoder de qc. [s'adapter]to put up with sth.
collusion {f}put-up affair [coll.]
collusion {f}put-up job [Br.] [coll.]
meub. canapé-lit {m}put-you-up [Br.] [bed settee]
se faire héberger par qn.to (be) put up at sb.'s
se maquillerto put on make-up
fin. faire remonter les coursto put prices up again
buter qn. [rendre têtu]to put sb.'s back up [idiom]
relever qc. [clôture]to put sth. back up (again)
donner le trac à qn. [fam.]to put the wind up sb. [coll.]
faire une peur bleue à qn. [loc.]to put the wind up sb. [coll.] [idiom]
donner les jetons à qn. [loc.]to put the wind up sb. [idiom]
user de faux-semblantsto put up a pretence [Br.]
film RadioTV théâtre planter un décorto put up a set
se débattreto put up a struggle
dresser une tenteto put up a tent
monter une tenteto put up a tent
dr. cautionner qn.to put up bail for sb.
opposer qc.to put up resistance to sth.
se laisser faireto put up with everything
se faire mépriserto put up with insults
ne pas se laisser faireto put up with nothing
endurer que qn. fasse qc.to put up with sb. doing sth.
Je ne tolérerai pas son insolence !I won't put up with his rudeness!
C'est un coup monté. [loc.]It is a put-up job. [idiom]
C'est un coup monté. [loc.]It's a put-up affair. [idiom]
être prêt à accepter qc.to be ready to put up with sth. [accept]
se farcir qn./qc. [fam.] [le subir]to have to put up with sb./sth.
cosm. se badigeonner le visageto put on heavy make-up
comm. mettre qc. aux enchèresto put sth up for auction
méd. TechMéd. poser un goutte-à-goutteto put up a (intravenous) drip
pendre un rideau à la fenêtreto put up a curtain at the window
film RadioTV théâtre jouer à ravirto put up a delightful performance [idiom]
sport réaliser une belle performanceto put up a fine performance
pol. se porter candidatto put up as a candidate [idiom]
pol. se porter candidateto put up as a candidate [idiom] [of a woman]
tourisme descendre dans un hôtelto put up at a hotel
s'opposer vigoureusement à qc.to put up strenuous opposition to sth.
comm. augmenter le gazto put up the price of gas [idiom]
matériel recouvrir un mur de papier peintto put up wallpaper on a wall
souffrir tout de qn.to put up with anything from sb.
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