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French-English translation for: rally driver
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Dictionary French English: rally driver

Translation 1 - 50 of 91  >>

NOUN   a rally driver | rally drivers
auto sport pilote {m} de rallyrally driver
auto sport pilote {f} de rallyrally driver [female]
Partial Matches
mil. se rallier [troupes, navires]to rally
rassemblement {m}rally
mil. rallier qc. [troupes, navires]to rally sth.
mil. regrouper qc. [armée]to rally sth.
rassemblement {m} de massemass rally
manifestation {f} pour la paixpeace rally
rassemblement {m} en faveur de la paixpeace rally
pol. rassemblement {m} politiquepolitical rally
mil. rameuter qn. [troupes]to rally sb. [troops]
auto sport rallye {m}rally [car race]
manifestation {f} [pour soutenir]rally [in support]
sport échange {m} [tennis, etc.]rally [tennis etc.]
faire bloc derrière qn.to rally behind sb.
fin. se reprendre [action]to rally [e.g. shares]
méd. se rétablirto rally [recover from illness]
entourer qn.to rally around sb. [Am.]
entourer qn.to rally round sb. [Br.]
rassembler ses forcesto rally one's strength
pol. se mobiliser autour d'un partito rally round a party
venir en aide à qn.to rally to sb.'s support
se ranger sous la bannière de qc.to rally to the banner of sth.
chauffeur {m} [taxi]driver
conducteur {m}driver
auto conductrice {f}driver [female]
chasse traqueur {m}driver [hunting]
auto as {m} du volantace driver
méd. occup. PoSauv. ambulancier {m} [conducteur]ambulance driver
occup. conducteur {m} de busbus driver
occup. chauffeur {m} de taxicab driver
occup. chamelier {m}camel driver
trafic automobiliste {m}car driver
constr. occup. grutier {m}crane driver
occup. cornac {m}elephant driver
occup. transp. cariste {m}forklift driver
outil. tech. visseuse {f} à chocsimpact driver
auto éduc. apprenti {m} conducteurlearner driver
conducteur {m} débutantlearner driver
éduc. trafic élève {m} d'auto-écolelearner driver
éduc. trafic élève-conducteur {m} [suisse]learner driver
inform. pilote {m} d'impressionprint driver
inform. pilote {m} d'imprimanteprint driver
inform. pilote {m} d'impressionprinter driver
inform. pilote {m} d'imprimanteprinter driver
auto sport coureur {m} automobileracing driver
auto sport pilote {m} automobileracing driver
auto sport pilote {m} de courseracing driver
chauffard {m} [péj.] [fam.]reckless driver
occup. chauffeur {m} de taxitaxi driver
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