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Dictionary French English: say

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>

NOUN   a say | says
VERB  to say | said | said ... 
SYNO   to say | to suppose | to read | to say ... 
dire qc.
to say sth.
prononcer qc.to say sth.
indiquer qc. [suj : horaire]to say sth. [time]
2 Words: Others
Allons donc !I say!
2 Words: Verbs
cuis. relig. dire le bénédicitéto say grace
se taire [personne]to say nothing
ne pas s'exprimerto say nothing
s'excuserto say sorry
redire qc. [répéter]to say sth. again
répéter qc. [redire]to say sth. again
dire crûment qc.to say sth. bluntly
dire qc. avec tristesseto say sth. sadly
se dire ouito say yes
3 Words: Others
Mettons que ... [+subj.]Let's say (that) ... [hypothetically]
voire {adv}not to say
Reçu cinq sur cinq ! [aussi : 5 sur 5] [loc.]Say no more! [idiom]
D'aucuns prétendent que ...Some say that ...
curieusement {adv}strange to say
Comme tu voudras.Whatever you say.
À peine ! [fam.]You don't say!
Tu m'étonnes ! [loc.] [ironique]You don't say! [idiom] [ironic]
3 Words: Verbs
se risquer à dire qc.to dare to say sth.
avoir son mot à direto have one's say
dire adieu à qn.to say adieu to sb. [chiefly literary]
dire des cochonneries [fam.]to say dirty things
dire au revoir à qn.to say goodbye to sb.
dire adieu à qc. [loc.]to say goodbye to sth. [idiom]
taire qc. [passer sous silence - raisons]to say nothing about sth.
dire ce qu'on penseto say one's piece [idiom]
ling. exprimer qc. en françaisto say sth. in French
dire qc. à haute voixto say sth. out loud
dire qc. d'un traitto say sth. straight out
répéter qc. à qn.to say sth. to sb. again
dire qc. sans y penserto say sth. without thinking
dire des stupiditésto say stupid things
relig. égrener son chapeletto say the rosary
envoyer qn. dire qc.to send sb. to say sth.
4 Words: Others
et chose curieuse, ... {adv}and, strange to say ...
Parce que tel est mon bon plaisir !Because I say so !
mais, dira-t-on, ...but, one may say, ...
Comment dit-on ... ?How do you say ... ?
Ça ne se refuse pas !I wouldn't say no!
Mais maintenant que vous le dites, ...Now that you say, ...
soit {adv} [c'est-à-dire]that is to say
c'est-à-dire {adv} <c.-à-d., c-à-d>that is to say <i.e.> [namely, viz]
C'est vite dit !That's easy to say!
sans compter {prep} [sans parler de]to say nothing of
pour le moins {adv}to say the least
4 Words: Verbs
trouver qc. à dire sur qn./qc.to find sth. to say about sb./sth.
avoir son mot à direto have something to say
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