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French-English translation for: self-employed
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Dictionary French English: self employed

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ADJ   self-employed | - | -
NOUN   the self-employed [collectively] | -
SYNO   free-lance | freelance | self-employed
indépendant {adj}self-employed
occup. indépendant {m}self-employed person
occup. à son compte {adj}self-employed
occup. travailleur {m} indépendantself-employed person
occup. indépendante {f}self-employed person [female]
occup. travailler en indépendantto be self-employed
occup. travailleuse {f} indépendantself-employed person [female]
occup. travailleuse {f} indépendanteself-employed person [female]
occup. être à son compteto be self-employed
occup. travailler à son compteto be self-employed
Partial Matches
occup. embauché {adj} {past-p}employed
employé {adj} {past-p}employed
écon. occup. sociol. actif {adj} [personne](gainfully) employed
occup. pleinement employé {adj} {past-p}fully employed
être en train de faire qc.to be employed in doing sth.
Cette méthode est rarement, voire jamais, utilisée de nos jours.This method is rarely, if ever, employed today.
Cette méthode est rarement, voire pas du tout, utilisée de nos jours.This method is rarely, if ever, employed today.
même {pron}self
auto électr. tech. self {f}choke
self-service {m}self service
égocentrique {adj}self-absorbed
égoïste {adj}self-absorbed
nombriliste {adj}self-absorbed
automatique {adj}self-acting
autoactivé {adj}self-activating
autoadhésif {adj}self-adhesive
autoréglable {adj}self-adjusting
tech. autorégulateur {adj}self-adjusting
autogéré {adj} {past-p}self-administered
indépendant {adj}self-administering
autoproclamé {adj} {past-p}self-appointed
autoritaire {adj}self-assertive
tech. autocollant {adj} {pres-p}self-bonding
complaisant {adj}self-complacent
vaniteux {adj}self-conceited
complaisant {adj}self-congratulatory
gêné {adj}self-conscious
consciemment {adv}self-consciously
timidement {adv}self-consciously
cohérent {adj}self-consistent
autocorrecteur {adj}self-correcting
autocritique {adj}self-critical
autodestructeur {adj}self-defeating
indépendant {adj}self-dependent
autocritique {adj}self-deprecating
autodérisoire {adj}self-deprecating
autodestructeur {adj}self-destructive
autodéterminé {adj} {past-p}self-determined
autodiscipliné {adj} {past-p}self-disciplined
éduc. autodidacte {adj}self-educated
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