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French-English translation for: ses
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Dictionary French English: ses

Translation 1 - 50 of 543  >>

French English
PRON   son | sa | ses | ses
Chacun ses goûts.To each his own.
Chacun ses goûts.There's no accounting for taste.
3 Words: Verbs
abattre ses cartes [fig.]to put one's cards on the table [idiom] [fig.]
arranger ses cheveuxto neaten one's hair
assumer ses engagementsto meet one's obligations
assurer ses arrières [loc.]to cover one's back [idiom]
attacher ses cheveuxto tie one's hair back
vêt. attacher ses lacetsto tie (up) one's laces
biol. méd. avoir ses Anglais [fam.] [menstruation]to have one's period [menstruation]
biol. méd. avoir ses Anglais [fam.] [menstruation]to be on one's period [menstruation]
anat. balancer ses jambesto swing one's legs
bander ses musclesto tense one's muscles
boucler ses cheveuxto curl one's hair
briser ses chaînes [aussi fig.]to cast off one's chains [also fig.]
brûler ses vaisseaux [fig.] [loc.]to burn one's boats [fig.] [idiom]
cacher ses sentimentsto hide one's feelings
mil. changer ses batteries [fig.]to change one's strategy
changer ses habitudesto readjust
chercher ses mots [loc.]to grope for words [idiom]
chercher ses mots [loc.]to look for the right words [idiom]
compter ses sous [être avare]to count the pennies
connaître ses droitsto know one's rights
connaître ses limitesto know one's (own) limitations
conserver ses habitudesto retain one's habits
mil. couvrir ses arrièresto cover one's rear
méd. cracher ses poumons [fam.]to cough up one's lungs [coll.]
occup. crever ses hommes [au travail]to work one's men into the ground
darder ses rayons [soleil]to shine its light
déballer ses affairesto do the unpacking
défaire ses bagagesto unpack (one's suitcases)
Unverified défaire ses cheveuxto let one's hair down [literal sense]
Unverified défaire ses valisesto unpack (one's suitcases)
démasquer ses batteries [loc.]to show one's hand [idiom]
déplacer ses vacancesto change the dates of one's holidays [Br.]
déplacer ses vacancesto change the dates of one's vacation [Am.]
détacher ses cheveuxto untie one's hair
dévoiler ses batteries [fig.]to show one's hand [fig.]
dévoiler ses batteries [fig.]to reveal one's secret intentions
dévoiler ses charmesto reveal one's charms
dicter ses conditionsto state one's conditions
dicter ses volontésto dictate one's will
sport doser ses effortsto pace oneself
mil. dresser ses batteries [fig.]to prepare for the assault
économiser ses effortsto pace oneself
économiser ses forcesto pace oneself
élargir ses connaissancesto broaden one's outlook [idiom]
jeux encaisser ses plaquesto cash in one's chips [gambling]
épingler ses cheveuxto pin up one's hair
essouffler ses concurrents [fig.]to leave one's competitors behind
essuyer ses larmesto wipe away one's tears
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