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French-English translation for: sharp
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Dictionary French English: sharp

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

ADJ   sharp | sharper | sharpest
NOUN   a sharp | sharps
SYNO   sharp | sharp-worded | tart | shrill ... 
coupant {adj}
acéré {adj}sharp
affilé {adj} [couteau, esprit]sharp
aigre {adj} [fig.] [paroles, ton]sharp
éffilé {adj} [aiguisé]sharp
incisif {adj} [instrument]sharp
piquant {adj} [aiguille, clou]sharp
sec {adj} [traits, bruit]sharp
tranchant {adj}sharp
bien aiguisé {adj}sharp
brusque {adj}sharp [abrupt]
futé {adj}sharp [clever]
stylé {adj} [très chic]sharp [coll.] [stylish]
trafic serré {adj} [virage]sharp [curve, bend]
vif {adj}sharp [judgement, quick-witted person]
bien taillé {adj}sharp [pencil]
pénétrant {adj} [clairvoyant]sharp [penetrating]
pointu {adj}sharp [pointed]
affûté {adj}sharp [sharpened]
net {adj}sharp [sound]
cuis. suret {adj} [pomme, goût]sharp [tart]
aigrelet {adj}sharp [taste, flavour]
mus. la {m} dièseA sharp
mus. dièse {m} <#>sharp <#>
2 Words: Others
Illico presto ! [fam.]Look sharp! [coll.] [Get a move on!]
aux traits anguleux {adj} [visage]sharp-featured [face]
2 Words: Verbs
avoir un esprit pénétrantto be sharp [able to understand quickly]
2 Words: Nouns
fin. poussée {f} [de prix](sharp) increase
mus. do {m} dièseC sharp
mus. {m} dièseD sharp
mus. fa {m} dièseF sharp
mus. sol {m} dièseG sharp
trafic coude {m} [courbe]sharp bend
futé {m}sharp person
futée {f}sharp person [female]
maquignonnage {m} [fig.] [péj.]sharp practice
fin. magouilles {f.pl} financièressharp practice
admonestation {f}sharp rebuke
armes mil. occup. Unverified tireur {m} d'élitesharp-shooter
armes mil. occup. Unverified tireuse {f} d'élitesharp-shooter [female]
3 Words: Verbs
outil. être émousséto not be sharp [e.g. knife]
4 Words: Others
à huit heures précises {adv}at eight o'clock sharp
à midi pile {adv}at twelve o'clock sharp
4 Words: Verbs
faire passer qc. au premier plan [loc.]to bring sth. into sharp focus [idiom]
donner un coup sec à qc.to give sth. a sharp tap
avoir la langue bien affilée [loc.]to have a sharp tongue [idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
math. théorème {m} pointu des six exponentiellessharp six exponentials theorem
5+ Words: Others
C'est bien mieux qu'un coup de pied aux fesses. [loc.]It's much better than a stab in the eye with a sharp stick. [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
faire l'objet de vives critiquesto come in for sharp criticism
dire d'un ton pointuto say in a sharp tone of voice
arrondir les angles [fig.]to smooth out the sharp edges
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
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