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French-English translation for: snow-covered
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Dictionary French English: snow covered

Translation 1 - 50 of 171  >>

ADJ   snow-covered | more snow-covered | most snow-covered
SYNO   snow-clad | snow-covered | snowy
météo. trafic enneigé {adj} [route]snow-covered
météo. neigeux {adj}snow-covered
couvert de neige {adj}snow-covered [attr.]
Keywords contained
météo. neigeux {adj}covered in snow [postpos.]
météo. neigeux {adj}covered with snow [postpos.]
météo. être recouvert de neigeto be covered in snow
couvert de neige {adj}covered in snow [pred.] [postpos.]
Partial Matches
couvert {adj} {past-p}covered
météo. bouché {adj} {past-p}cloud-covered
entièrement couvert {adj}completely covered
couvert decovered with
hort. fleuri {adj}flower-covered
entièrement couvert {adj}fully covered
hort. herbeux {adj}grass-covered
hort. gazonné {adj} {past-p}lawn-covered
comm. halle {f} (du marché)covered market
sport préau {m}covered playground
transp. camion {m} bâchécovered truck
transp. chariot {m} bâchécovered wagon
enrobé {adj} {past-p} [couvert]covered [with material]
plaqué {adj} {past-p}covered [with material]
ensanglanté {adj} {past-p}covered in blood
météo. bouché {adj} {past-p}covered in clouds
zool. duveté {adj}covered in down
météo. givré {adj} [branche]covered in frost
arts couvert de graffitis {adj} {past-p} [mur, façade]covered in graffiti
météo. bouché {adj} {past-p}covered with clouds
matériel sablé {adj}covered with sand
surface {f} de glaceice-covered surface
tendu de {adj} [toile, drap]covered with [cloth, sheet]
naut. pont-abri {m}covered deck [on ship]
merdeux {adj} [vulg.]covered in shit [vulg.]
être visé par qc.to be covered by sth.
être bardé de qc. [fig.] [être couvert de]to be covered in sth.
être bardé de qc.to be covered with sth.
se recouvrir de qc. [devenir couvert]to become covered with sth.
trains transp. wagon {m} couvertcovered goods wagon [Br.]
être recouvert de buéeto be covered in condensation
météo. être recouvert de givreto be covered in frost
être couvert de saletéto be covered with dirt
s'incruster [se couvrir de calcaire]to become covered in scale
anat. méd. visage {m} contusionnéface covered in bruises
méd. visage {m} très marqué [par des blessures]face covered with scars
naut. promenade {f} vitréeglass-covered deck [on ship]
criblé de qc. {adj} {past-p} [taches de rousseur]covered in sth. [e.g. freckles]
naut. mer {f} moutonneusesea covered with white horses [idiom]
se barbouiller le visage de qc.to get one's face all covered in sth.
météo. neigerto snow
météo. neige {f}snow
littérat. F Neige [Orhan Pamuk]Snow
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