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French-English translation for: soap opera
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Dictionary French English: soap opera

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

NOUN   a soap opera | soap operas
RadioTV feuilleton {m} télévisésoap opera
Partial Matches
mus. lyrique {adj}opera
mus. théâtre art {m} lyriqueopera
mus. théâtre drame {m} lyriqueopera
arts mus. opéra {m}opera
mus. théâtre opéra {m} bouffecomic opera
mus. opérette {f}light opera
mus. théâtre troupe {f} d'opéraopera company
optique jumelles {f.pl} de théâtreopera glasses
vêt. chapeau {m} claqueopera hat
mus. théâtre représentation {f} d'opéraopera performance
mus. théâtre représentation {f} de l'opéraopera performance
mus. occup. artiste {m} lyriqueopera singer
mus. occup. chanteur {m} d'opéraopera singer
mus. occup. chanteur {m} lyriqueopera singer
cosm. savon {m}soap
mus. occup. artiste {f} lyriqueopera singer [female]
mus. occup. cantatrice {f} [d'opéra]opera singer [female]
mus. occup. chanteuse {f} d'opéraopera singer [female]
mus. occup. chanteuse {f} lyriqueopera singer [female]
savon {m} au fielbile soap
cosm. savon {m} liquideliquid soap
cosm. savon {m} pour cheveuxshampoo soap
bulle {f} de savonsoap bubble
porte-savon {m}soap dish
ind. savonnerie {f} [usine]soap factory
cosm. occup. savonnier {m}soap-maker
bot. T
bot. T
savonner qn./qc.to soap sb./sth.
liquide {m} vaisselledish soap [Am.]
cosm. occup. savonnière {f}soap-maker [female]
paillette {f}flake (of soap)
cosm. savon {m} surgraslipid replenishing soap
jeux sport course {f} de caisses à savonsoap box derby
vêt. gibus {m}opera hat [collapsible top hat]
emberlificoter qn. [fam.]to soft-soap sb. [coll.]
savonner qc. [linge]to rub soap on sth.
se savonner le visageto soap one's face
cosm. savonner qn. [enfant]to soap sb. all over
cosm. se savonner [pour se laver]to soap oneself all over
cosm. deux savons {m.pl}two bars of soap
méd. main {f} en lorgnette [Arthritis mutilans]opera-glass hand [chronic absorptive arthritis]
passer de la pommade à qn. [loc.]to soft-soap sb. [idiom] [flatter]
passer la brosse à reluire à qn. [loc.]to soft-soap sb. [idiom] [flatter]
cosm. savonnette {f}bath soap [small bar of soap]
anat. se rincer les mainsto rinse the soap off one's hands
faire des mamours à qn. [loc.]to soft-soap sb. [idiom] [flatter in order to gain something]
faire un câlin à qn.to soft-soap sb. [coll. for: flatter in order to gain something]
cuis. gâteau {m} opéraopera cake [French cake with layers of almond sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup]
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