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French-English translation for: super-heavy
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Dictionary French English: super heavy

Translation 1 - 50 of 113  >>


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chim. eau {f} super-lourde [T2O]super-heavy water [T2O]
chim. eau {f} tritiée [T2O]super-heavy water
chim. oxyde {m} de tritium [T2O]super-heavy water
Partial Matches
C'est super ! [fam.]That's super! [coll.]
super {adj} [fam.]super-duper [sl.]
mus. (heavy) metal {m} [aussi : heavy métal]heavy metal [music]
mus. heavy metal {m} [aussi: heavy métal]heavy metal (music)
Super !Great!
lourd {adj}heavy
pesant {adj}heavy
super motivé {adj}overkeen
super-héros {m}superhero
trafic intense {adj}heavy [traffic]
bath {adj} [fam.] [vieilli]super
super {adj} [fam.]terrific [coll.]
super motivé {adj}over keen
super motivé {adj} {past-p}over-motivated
super-puissant {adj}extra-strong
super-héroïne {f}superhero [female]
cafardeux {adj} [fam.]heavy-hearted
mil. concentré {adj} [tir]heavy [fire]
trafic dense {adj} [circulation]heavy [traffic]
profond {adj} [soupir]heavy [sigh]
méd. profus {adj} [littéraire]heavy [bleeding]
fin. jeux flambeur {m} [joueur]heavy gambler
armes mil. artillerie {f} lourdeheavy artillery
trafic circulation {f} intenseheavy traffic
mil. combat {m} acharnéheavy fighting
mil. combat {m} intenseheavy fighting
armes fusil {m} lourdheavy gun
naut. grosse mer {f}heavy sea
chim. huile {f} lourdeheavy oil
ind. industrie {f} lourdeheavy industry
outil. tech. matériel {m} lourdheavy equipment
armes mil. mortier {m} lourdheavy mortar
météo. pluie {f} battanteheavy rain
météo. pluie {f} drueheavy rain
météo. pluie {f} forteheavy rain
météo. pluies {f.pl} abondantesheavy rainful
trafic trafic {m} intenseheavy traffic
super {adj}groovy [sl.] [dated] [great]
math. groupe {m} super-résolublesupersoluble group
math. groupe {m} super-résolublesupersolvable group
abondant {adj}heavy [snow, dew, crop]
appuyé {adj} [plaisanterie]heavy [joke, banter]
armes nourri {adj} [dense - fusillade]heavy [sustained]
onéreux {adj} [dépense, impôt]heavy [costly]
peser [être lourd]to be heavy
s'alourdirto get heavy/heavier
chim. phys. deutérium {m} <2H, D>heavy hydrogen
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