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French-English translation for: thirty-seven
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Dictionary French English: thirty seven

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

SYNO   37 | thirty-seven | xxxvii
Partial Matches
trente et unième {adj}thirty-first
trente et unthirty-one
trentenaire {adj}thirty-year-old
nonante-sept [suisse] [belge]ninety-seven
sept centsseven hundred
sept milleseven thousand
septante-sept [suisse] [belge]seventy-seven
septennat {m} [période]seven-year period
zool. T
zool. T
hist. mil. relig. guerre {f} de Trente Ans [1618-1648]Thirty Years' War [1618-1648]
Il entre dans sa quarantième année.He's turned thirty-nine.
relig. chandelier {m} à sept branchesseven-branch candlestick [menorah]
sept jours sur sept {adv}seven days a week
bible sept plaies {f.pl} d'Égypteseven plagues of Egypt
littérat. F Dix Heures et demie du soir en été [Marguerite Duras (1960)]Ten-Thirty on a Summer Night
astron. Pléiades {f.pl}Seven Sisters [Pleiades] [star cluster]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Sept Ans [1756-1763]Seven Years' War [1756-1763]
naut. bourlinguer [fam.] [beaucoup naviguer]to sail the seven seas [idiom]
math. problème {m} des sept ponts de KönigsbergSeven Bridges of Königsberg problem
pol. septennat {m}seven-year term (of office)
littérat. F Les Sept CorbeauxThe Seven Ravens [Brothers Grimm (1819)]
Il est sept heures passées.It's just gone seven o'clock.
arch. hist. les sept merveilles {f.pl} du mondethe Seven Wonders of the (Ancient) World
littérat. F La Maison aux sept pignonsThe House of the Seven Gables [Nathaniel Hawthorne]
littérat. F Le Loup et les Sept ChevreauxThe Wolf and the Seven Young Goats [Brothers Grimm (1812)]
dr. Cela porte à sept le nombres des meurtres commis à Londres.This brings the number of murders in London up to seven.
géogr. hist. pol. république {f} des Sept Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas [1588-1795] [aussi : Provinces-Unies]Republic of the Seven United Netherlands [1588-1795] [also: United Provinces or Dutch Republic]
arts hist. Le groupe des sept [can.]The Group of Seven [also: the Algonquin School] [group of Canadian landscape painters from 1920 to 1933]
film littérat. F Les 39 Marches {noun}The Thirty-Nine Steps [author: John Buchan (1915)] [films: Alfred Hitchcock (1935); Ralph Thomas (1959); Don Sharp (1978); BBC (2008)]
math. heptagone {m}seven-sided figure <7-sided figure>
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