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French-English translation for: tiglic acid
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Dictionary French English: tiglic acid

Translation 1 - 50 of 120  >>

chim. acide {m} tiglinique [C5H8O2]tiglic acid
chim. acide {m} tiglique [C5H8O2]tiglic acid
Partial Matches
chim. acide {adj}acid
chim. acide {m}acid
arts vert acidulé {adj}acid green
chim. acidulé {adj}slightly acid
alim. chim. acide {m} acétique [E-260] [CH3COOH]acetic acid
chim. anhydride {m} d'acideacid anhydride
chim. dr. attaque {f} à l'acideacid attack
chim. bain {m} acideacid bath
chim. teneur {f} en acideacid content
cuis. bonbon {m} aciduléacid drop
anat. méd. aigreurs {f.pl} d'estomacacid reflux
anat. méd. brûlures {f.pl} d'estomacacid reflux
méd. remontées {f.pl} acidesacid reflux
méd. renvois {m.pl} acidesacid regurgitation
chim. matériel essai {m} à l'acideacid test
alim. chim. acide {m} adipique [C6H10O4, (CH2)4(COOH)2] [E-355]adipic acid
biochim. chim. acide {m} aminéamino acid
chim. acide {m} arsénique [H3AsO4]arsenic acid
chim. acide {m} arsorique [H3AsO4]arsoric acid
alim. biochim. acide {m} ascorbique [E-300]ascorbic acid
biochim. acide {m} caprique [C10H20O2]capric acid
chim. acide {m} carbonique [Acidum carbonicum] [H2CO3] [E 290]carbonic acid
chim. acide {m} cholique [C24H40O5]cholic acid
biochim. acide {m} chorismique [C10H10O6]chorismic acid
alim. biochim. chim. acide {m} citrique [E-330]citric acid
pharm. acide {m} clavulaniqueclavulanic acid
chim. cyanure {m} d'hydrogène <HCN>cyanhydric acid
biochim. acide {m} décanoïquedecanoic acid
chim. acide {m} éthanedioïqueethanedioic acid
biochim. cuis. acide {m} grasfatty acid
chim. acide {m} folique [C19H19N7O6]folic acid
chim. acide {m} formique <HCOOH>formic acid
chim. acide {m} méthanoïque [HCOOH]formic acid
biochim. pharm. acide {m} fusidique [C31H48O6]fusidic acid
chim. acide {m} galliquegallic acid
anat. biol. méd. acidité {f} gastriquegastric acid
biochim. chim. acide {m} glutarique [C5H8O4]glutaric acid
chim. acide {m} humiquehumic acid
chim. acide {m} bromhydrique [HBr(aq)]hydrobromic acid
alim. chim. acide {m} chlorhydrique [HCl(aq)] [E-507]hydrochloric acid
chim. acide {m} cyanhydriquehydrocyanic acid
chim. cyanure {m} d'hydrogène <HCN>hydrocyanic acid
chim. acide {m} fluorhydrique [HF(aq)]hydrofluoric acid
chim. acide {m} isocyanique [HNCO]isocyanic acid
biochim. acide {m} jacarique [C18H30O2]jacaric acid
chim. acide {m} lactique [C3H6O3]lactic acid
alim. biochim. cosm. acide {m} dodécanoïque [C12H24O2]lauric acid
alim. biochim. constr. acide {m} laurique [C12H24O2]lauric acid
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