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French-English translation for: tirer satisfaction de qc
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tirer satisfaction de qc in other languages:

English - French

Dictionary French English: tirer satisfaction de qc

Translation 1 - 50 of 44598  >>

tirer satisfaction de qc.to derive satisfaction from sth.
Partial Matches
tirer qc. de qc.to draw sth. out of sth. [pull]
tirer qc. de qc.to pull sth. out of sth.
tirer qc. de qn.to get sth. out of sb. [e.g. information]
tirer bénéfice de qc.to gain advantage from sth.
tirer fierté de qc.to take pride in sth.
tirer parti de qc.to capitalise on sth. [Br.]
tirer parti de qc.to capitalize on sth. [Am.]
tirer parti de qc.to profit from sth.
tirer parti de qc.to take advantage of sth.
tirer parti de qc.to turn sth. to good account
tirer profit de qc.to leverage sth.
tirer profit de qc.to squeeze profit from sth. [fig.]
tirer vanité de qc.to be proud of sth.
tirer vanité de qc.to pride oneself on sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [document]to abstract sth. from sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [fabriquer]to derive sth. from sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [fabriquer]to get sth. from sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [fabriquer]to make sth. from sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [objet]to take sth. out of sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [récit]to base sth. on sth.
tirer profit de qc. [loc.]to benefit from sth.
tirer profit de qc. [loc.]to make the most of sth. [idiom]
tirer profit de qc. [loc.]to take advantage of sth.
tirer des conclusions de qc.to draw conclusions from sth.
tirer la morale de qc.to learn a lesson from sth.
tirer le prestige de qc.to gain (the) kudos for sth.
tirer qc. de sa pocheto pull sth. out of one's pocket
tirer un enseignement de qc.to learn a lesson from sth.
tirer une conclusion de qc.to draw a conclusion from sth.
se tirer de qc. [situation, difficultés]to come through sth. [situation, difficulties]
tirer au-dessus de qc. [cible]to overshoot sth. [target]
tirer son origine de qn./qc.to originate from sb./sth.
tirer le meilleur parti de qc.to make the best of sth.
tirer le meilleur parti de qc.to make the most of sth.
satisfaction {f} de soiself-gratification
taux {m} de satisfactionlevel of satisfaction
en cas de non-satisfaction {adv}in case of dissatisfaction
satisfaction {f} de le beurre et de l'argent du beurre [loc.]cakeism [Br.] [having it both ways] [wanting to have a cake and to eat it too]
tirer (qc.)to fire (sth.) [bullet, with a gun]
tirer (qc.)to pull (sth.)
tirer qc.to haul sth.
édition tirer qc. [livre]to print sth.
tirer qc. [tirailler]to drag sth.
cuis. tirer qc. [vin]to decant sth.
tirer sur qc.to tug on sth.
tirer sur qc.to tweak sth.
tirer qc. [dessiner - plan]to draw up sth. [plan]
sport tirer qc. [en haltérophilie]to lift sth. [weightlifting]
tirer qc. [fam.] [passer]to spend sth. [time]
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