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| excéder qc. | to be in excess of sth. | |
Partial Matches |
| auto contrôler qc. [véhicule] | to be in control of sth. | |
| dr. contrevenir à qc. | to be in violation of sth. | |
| Unverified régir qc. [commander] | to be in charge of sth. | |
| précéder qc. [véhicule] | to be in front of sth. | |
| dr. faillir à qc. | to be in violation of sth. | |
| rechercher qc. [fortune, plaisirs] | to be in search of sth. | |
| avoir besoin de qc. | to be in need of sth. | |
| être partisan de qc. | to be in favour of sth. [Br.] | |
| commander à qn./qc. | to be in command of sb./sth. | |
| être partisan de qc. | to be in favor of sth. [Am.] | |
| avoir la direction de qc. | to be in charge of sth. | |
| mil. commander qc. [armée, troupe, division] | to be in command of sth. | |
| avoir grand besoin de qc. | to be in great want of sth. | |
| être à la découverte de qc. | to be in search of sth. | |
| pencher pour qc. [solution, fermeté] | to be in favour of sth. [Br.] | |
| pencher pour qc. [solution, fermeté] | to be in favor of sth. [Am.] | |
| gêner qn./qc. [encombrer] | to be in the way of sb./sth. | |
| être en faveur de qc. | to be in favor of sth. [Am.] | |
| être en faveur de qc. | to be in favour of sth. [Br.] | |
| avoir cruellement besoin de qc. | to be desperately in need of sth. | |
| être favorable à qc. [partisan de] | to be in favor of sth. [Am.] | |
| être favorable à qc. [partisan de] | to be in favour of sth. [Br.] | |
| avoir coutume de faire qc. | to be in the habit of doing sth. | |
| être au commandement de qc. [course, championnat] | to be in control of sth. | |
| avoir le commandement de qc. [course, championnat] | to be in control of sth. | |
| avoir pour habitude de faire qc. | to be in the habit of doing sth. | |
| être à l'avant-garde de qc. | to be in the vanguard of sth. | |
| être en train de faire qc. | to be (in the process of) doing sth. | |
| être en train de faire qc. | to be in the middle of doing sth. | |
| être en train de faire qc. | to be in the act of doing sth. | |
| s'expliquer à la lumière de qc. | to be explicable in the light of sth. | |
| aviat. mil. naut. avoir le commandement de qc. [armée, opération, avion, bateau] | to be in command of sth. | |
| être au beau milieu de qc. [foule, lutte] | to be in the thick of sth. | |
| aviat. mil. naut. être au commandement de qc. [armée, opération, avion, bateau] | to be in command of sth. | |
| être au beau milieu de faire qc. | to be in the throes of doing sth. | |
| tourner autour de qc. [effectifs, somme d'argent] | to be (somewhere) in the region of sth. | |
| avoir un préjugé favorable envers qn./qc. | to be biased in favor of sb./sth. [Am.] | |
| avoir un préjugé favorable envers qn./qc. | to be biased in favour of sb./sth. [Br.] | |
| être favorable à ce que qn. fasse qc. | to be in favour of sb. doing sth. [Br.] | |
| être favorable à ce que qn. fasse qc. | to be in favor of sb. doing sth. [Am.] | |
| être chargé de qn./qc. | to be in charge of sb./sth. | |
| s'abîmer dans la contemplation de qc. | to be lost in contemplation of sth. | |
| être dans la tradition de qn./qc. | to be in the tradition of sb./sth. | |
| fin. avoir une ardoise de qc. chez qn. [fam.] [loc.] | to be in debt to the tune of sth. to sb. [coll.] [idiom] | |
| être un simple instrument au service de qn./qc. [fig.] | to be a mere tool in the hands of sb./sth. [fig.] | |
| être un simple instrument entre les mains de qn./qc. [fig.] | to be a mere tool in the hands of sb./sth. [fig.] | |
| sociol. surpeuplement {m} | excess of population | |
| être qc. proportionnellement à qc. | to be sth. in proportion to sth. | |
| se contrôler | to be in control of oneself | |