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French-English translation for: to give oneself one off the wrist
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Dictionary French English: to give oneself one off the wrist

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se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to give oneself one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
Partial Matches
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to have one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
plaquer qn. [fam.]to give sb. the kiss-off [coll.] [idiom]
s'isoler du mondeto cut oneself off from the world
dr. se dénoncer à la policeto give oneself up to the police
dr. se rendre à la policeto give oneself up to the police
se dédouaner pour qc. [fig.]to get oneself off the hook for sth. [coll.] [idiom]
se précipiter du haut d'un immeubleto throw oneself off the top of a building
en improvisant {adv}off the top of one's head [idiom]
anat. se rincer les mainsto rinse the soap off one's hands
à l'improviste {adv}off the top of one's head [idiom]
au pied levé {adv} [loc.]off the top of one's head [idiom]
méd. se fouler le poignetto sprain one's wrist
anat. méd. se tordre le poignetto twist one's wrist
cuis. emporter la gueule [épices] [loc.] [fam.]to take the roof off one's mouth [idiom] [coll.]
cuis. emporter la bouche [épices] [loc.] [fam.]to take the roof off one's mouth [idiom] [coll.]
vêt. s'habiller en prêt-à-porterto buy one's clothes off the rack [Am.]
vêt. s'habiller en prêt-à-porterto buy one's clothes off the peg [Br.]
d'un seul geste {adv}with a flick of the wrist [idiom]
taper sur les doigts de qn. [loc.]to slap sb. on the wrist [idiom]
dr. se rendre [criminel]to give oneself up
se la jouer [fam.]to give oneself airs
se couper [se trahir]to give oneself away
se redresser [être fier]to give oneself airs
se faire plaisirto give oneself a treat
se trahirto give oneself away [betray oneself]
se secouer [personne]to give oneself a shake
s'accorder qc. [repos, congé]to give oneself sth.
se faire repérer [fam.]to give oneself away [betray oneself]
lancer qc. [cri, fumée]to give off sth. [emit]
écol. répandre qc. [chaleur, fumée, odeur]to give sth. off
s'accorder un répitto give oneself a breathing space [idiom]
se consacrer à qn./qc.to give of oneself to sb./sth.
se désinhiber par l'alcool [loc.]to give oneself Dutch courage [idiom]
dr. se rendre à qn./qc. [criminel]to give oneself up to sb./sth.
se désinhiber par l'alcool [loc.]to give oneself liquid courage [Am.] [idiom]
repliement {m} sur soi-mêmeshutting oneself off [from sth.]
se déshabituer de qc.to wean oneself off sth. [habit]
Unverified sentir qc. [dégager - odeur, parfum]to give off a smell of sth.
s'abandonner au sommeilto let oneself drift off to sleep
se laisser emporter par la colèreto let one's anger get the better of one
faire son maximumto give one's best
donner son consentementto give one's consent
accorder son consentementto give one's consent
s'isoler de qn./qc.to shut oneself off from sb./sth.
se laver le bout du nez [loc.]to give oneself a catlick [coll.] [idiom] [quick wash]
se donner le temps de faire qc. [loc.]to give oneself time to do sth. [idiom]
apporter son témoignageto give one's own account
faire de son mieuxto give one's all
se jeter du haut d'un pontto throw oneself off a bridge
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