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French-English translation for: to leave sb sth in the lurch
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Dictionary French English: to leave sb sth in the lurch

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abandonner qn./qc.to leave sb./sth. in the lurch [idiom]
laisser qn./qc. en rade [fam.]to leave sb./sth. in the lurch [idiom]
Partial Matches
délaisser qn. [abandonner]to leave sb. in the lurch [idiom]
trahir qn. [abandonner]to leave sb.in the lurch [idiom]
laisser qn. dans l'incertitudeto leave sb. in the lurch
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. in the lurch [idiom]
laisser qn. dans une situation difficileto leave sb. in the lurch [coll.]
faire faux bond à qn. [fig.] [loc.]to leave sb. in the lurch [idiom]
surclasser qn. [dominer largement]to leave sb. in the dust [idiom]
laisser qn. dans l'ignoranceto leave sb. in the dark [idiom]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. out in the cold [idiom]
laisser qn. dans le pétrin [fam.]to leave sb. in the shit [vulg.]
laisser qn. en plan [loc.]to leave sb. to twist in the wind [idiom]
confier qc. à qn. [lettres, valise]to leave sth. in sb.'s care
discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom]to discredit sb./sth. in the eyes of sb. [loc.]
quitter qn./qc.to leave sb./sth.
surpasser qn./qc. [adversaire, concurrent]to put sb./sth. in the shade
gêner qn./qc. [encombrer]to be in the way of sb./sth.
laisser qc. à qn.to leave sb. sth.
distancer qn./qc.to leave sb./sth. behind
laisser qn. dans l'expectativeto leave sb. in suspense
à la manière de qn./qc. {adv}in the style of sb./sth.
léguer qc. à qn.to leave sth. to sb.
faire porter le chapeau à qn. [loc.]to leave sb. holding the baby [idiom]
abandonner qn./qc.to leave sb./sth. [quit, abandon, desert]
déposer qn./qc. [objet, lettre, passager]to leave sb./sth.
ficher la paix à qn. [loc.]to leave sb. in peace [idiom]
se mettre de travers de qn./qc.to get in the way of sb./sth.
dr. transférer qc. à la propriété de qn.to vest the ownership of sth. in sb.
mettre qn./qc. sous le boisseau [loc.]to keep sb./sth. in the dark [coll.]
tenir qn. dans l'ignorance de qc.to keep sb. in the dark about sth.
sociol. laisser qc. en héritage à qn.to leave sb. sth. [bequeath]
confronter qn. à qc. [exposer]to leave sb. facing sth. [idiom]
mettre qn./qc. au largeto leave space for sb./sth.
mettre qn./qc. au largeto leave room for sb./sth.
laisser qc. en suspensto leave sth. in mid-air [idiom]
en présence de qn./qc. {adv}in the presence of sb./sth.
En été, Paris se vide de ses habitants.In the summer all Parisians leave town.
laisser qn. se morfondre [loc.]to leave sb. to stew in their own juice [idiom]
faire obstacle à qn./qc.to put an obstacle in the way of sb./sth.
être dans la tradition de qn./qc.to be in the tradition of sb./sth.
confier qc. à la garde de qn.to leave sth. with sb. for safe keeping
tricher dans le but de favoriser qn./qc. [loc.]to load the dice in favour of sb./sth. [Br.] [idiom]
tricher dans le but de favoriser qn./qc. [loc.]to load the dice in favor of sb./sth. [Am.] [idiom]
laisser le soin à qn. de faire qc.to leave sth. to sb. [chore, decision etc.]
laisser croupir qn. en prisonto leave sb. to rot in prison
fin. avoir une ardoise de qc. chez qn. [fam.] [loc.]to be in debt to the tune of sth. to sb. [coll.] [idiom]
laisser un arrière-goût d'amertume [fig.]to leave a nasty taste in the mouth [fig.]
laisser qc. à la discrétion de qn.to leave sth. to sb.'s discretion
être un simple instrument au service de qn./qc. [fig.]to be a mere tool in the hands of sb./sth. [fig.]
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