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French-English translation for: to pass sth along
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Dictionary French English: to pass sth along

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répercuter qc. [transmettre]to pass sth. along
Partial Matches
longer qc.to walk along sth.
emporter qc. [objet]to take sth.along
emmener qn./qc.to take sb./sth. along
courir le long de qc.to run along sth.
auto filer sur qc. [autoroute]to belt along sth. [go fast]
aller de pair avec qc.to go along with sth.
aller de pair avec qc.to come along with sth.
acquiescer à qn./qc.to go along with sb./sth.
fin. répercuter qc. sur qn./qc. [coûts]to pass sth. on to sb./sth. [costs]
livrer qc. à qn./qc. [document]to pass sth. on to sb./sth.
longer qc. [en voiture]to drive along sth. [person; motor vehicle]
coller qn./qc. [fam.] [suivre]to tag along behind sb./sth.
franchir qc. petit à petit [rebord]to inch along sth. [ledge]
passer (qc.)to pass (sth.)
se prêter à qc.to go along with sth. [fig.] [agree to participate]
faire traîner qc. sur le solto trail sth. along the ground
charrier qc. [cours d'eau, coulée de lave]to carry sth. along
omettre qc.to pass over sth.
répercuter qc. [transmettre]to pass sth. on
passer entre qc.to pass between sth.
léguer qc. [qualité]to pass sth. on
répéter qc. [rapporter]to pass on sth.
faire passer qc.to pass sth. on
livrer qc.to pass sth. on [document]
trafic s'échelonner le long de qc.to be strung out along sth. [vehicles - road]
contourner qc. [ville, obstacle]to by-pass sth.
sport trafic doubler qn./qc.to pass sb./sth. [overtake]
causer qc. [provoquer]to bring sth. to pass
dr. pol. voter qc. [loi]to pass sth. [a law]
faire circuler qc. [document]to pass sth. around
passer qc. [dépasser]to pass sth. [go past]
laisser passer qc. [délibérément]to let sth. pass
passer qc. [donner]to pass sth. [give, hand over]
adm. pol. approuver qc. [projet de loi, décret]to pass sth.
passer pour qn./qc.to pass for sb./sth.
dépasser qn./qc.to pass sb./sth. [go past]
réussir qc. [examen]to pass sth. [e.g. an exam]
porter un jugement sur qc.to pass judgment on sth.
traverser qc. [ville, pays, forêt, tunnel]to pass through sth.
trimbaler qn./qc. [fam.] [aussi fig.]to drag sb./sth. along [also fig.]
porter un jugement sur qn./qc.to pass judgement on sb./sth.
se communiquer qc. [information, nouvelle]to pass on sth. to each other
méd. repasser qc. à qn. [virus] [fam.]to pass sth. on to sb.
communiquer qc. à qn. [détail, liste, chiffre]to pass sth. on to sb.
occup. omettre qn. lors de qc.to pass sb. over for sth. [e.g. promotion]
croiser qn./qc. [voir en sens inverse]to pass sb./sth. coming the other way
faire suivre qc.to pass sth. on [a message, a request, etc.]
pol. adopter qc. à l'unanimité [résolution]to pass sth. unanimously [e.g. a resolution]
transmettre qc. de génération en générationto pass sth. on from generation to generation
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