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French-English translation for: to tow sth
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Dictionary French English: to tow sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 19273  >>


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tech. tracter qc.to tow sth.
remorquer qc.to tow sth.
auto tech. dépanner qc. [voiture]to tow sth. away
tirer qc. [traîner - en remorquant]to tow sth.
auto dr. emmener qc. à la fourrière [voiture]to tow sth. away
Partial Matches
matériel textile filasse {f}tow
remorque {f} [action]tow
alpin. sport tourisme remonte-pente {m}ski-tow
câble {m} de remorquagetow rope
auto corde {f} de remorquagetow rope
auto crochet {m} d'attelage(car) tow bar
être en remorqueto be on tow
sport tire-fesse {m} [fam.] [téléski]tow lift [Br.]
auto dépanneuse {f}tow truck [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [NZ]
auto prendre une voiture en remorqueto tow a car
auto dépanner qn. [remorquer]to give sb. a tow [following a breakdown]
câble {m} de remorquagetow cable
retirer qc. de qc.to take sth. out from sth.
appuyer qc. contre qc. [objet]to lean sth. against sth.
pol. rattacher qc. à qc. [territoire]to affiliate sth. to sth.
dr. réparer qc. par qc.to compensate for sth. through sth.
agrémenter qc. de qc. [décorer]to adorn sth. with sth.
math. ôter qc. à qc.to take sth. away from sth.
unir qc. à qc.to join sth. to / with sth.
retrancher qc. de qc.to cut sth. out from sth.
biol. croiser qc. avec qc.to cross-breed sth. with sth.
textile tresser qc. de qc.to weave sth. out of sth.
pendre qc. à qc. [plafond]to hang sth. from sth.
replacer qc. dans qc.to put sth. back in sth.
méd. brûler qc. à qc.to cauterise sth. with sth. [Br.]
replacer qc. sur qc.to put sth. back on sth.
décomposer qc. en qc.to break down sth. into sth.
entrecouper qc. de qc.to pepper sth. with sth. [fig.]
accrocher qc. à qc.to hook sth. on to sth.
relier qc. à qc.to link sth. to sth. [connect]
faire figurer qc. dans qc.to incorporate sth. in sth.
immerger qc. dans qc.to steep sth. in sth. [submerge]
chim. phys. résoudre qc. en qc. [décomposer]to resolve sth. into sth.
transférer qc. dans qc. [bureau]to relocate sth. to sth.
entourer qc. de qc.to ring sth. with sth. [encircle]
adm. fusionner qc. avec qc. [département]to merge sth. with sth.
adm. fusionner qc. avec qc. [département]to amalgamate sth. with sth.
enliser qc. dans qc.to get sth. stuck in sth.
se promettre qc. de qc.to expect sth. from sth.
placer qc. sur qc.to superimpose sth. (on)to sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [document]to abstract sth. from sth.
fin. mettre qc. sur qc. [compte]to charge sth. to sth.
tasser qc. sous qc. [bagages]to cram sth. under sth.
tasser qc. dans qc. [bagages]to cram sth. into sth.
tirer qc. de qc. [récit]to base sth. on sth.
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