| French  | English |  |
| – |
 | touché {adj} {past-p} [affecté] | affected |  |
 | touché {adj} {past-p} [affecté] | concerned [affected] |  |
 | touché {adj} {past-p} [affecté] | shocked [affected] |  |
 | touché {adj} [ému] | emotional |  |
 | touché {adj} {past-p} [ému] | touched [emotional] |  |
Nouns |
 | touche {f} | 2 key [on typewriter, keyboard, piano, organ] |  |
 | sport touche {f} | sideline [Am.] |  |
 | sport touche {f} | touchline |  |
 | mus. touche {f} | piano key |  |
 | sport touche {f} | throw-in |  |
 | arts touche {f} [coup de pinceau] | stroke |  |
 | mus. touche {f} [d'instrument à cordes] | fret |  |
 | mus. touche {f} [de clavier] | key |  |
 | RadioTV touche {f} [de téléviseur, vidéo] | button |  |
 | sport touche {f} [escrime] | strike [fencing] |  |
 | touche {f} [fig.] | touch [style, note] |  |
 | ichtyo. sport touche {f} [pêche ] | bite |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | inform. touche {f} alphanumérique | alphanumeric key |  |
 | inform. touche {f} Alt [aussi touche alternative] <Alt> | Alt key <Alt> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} contrôle <Ctrl> | control key <Ctrl> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} d'échappement <éch., échap., Esc> | escape key <Esc> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} directionnelle | cursor key |  |
 | inform. touche {f} échap [fam.] [touche d'échappement] | escape key <Esc> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} échappe <éch., échap., Esc> | escape key <Esc> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} majuscule <Maj, Shift> | shift key |  |
 | inform. touche {f} Retour | Return key |  |
 | inform. typ. touche {f} supprimer <Suppr> [fam.] [touche de suppression] | delete key <Del> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} Windows | Windows key |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Cela m'a touché. | I was moved by it. [emotionally] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | être durement touché [affectivement] | to be deeply affected |  |
 | écon. être durement touché [économiquement] | to be badly hit |  |
 | faire une touche [fam.] | to score [coll.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | sport banc {m} de touche | subs' bench [coll.] |  |
 | sport banc {m} de touche | substitutes' bench |  |
 | sport juge {f} de touche | lineswoman |  |
 | sport juge {m} de touche | linesman [assistant referee] |  |
 | sport juge {m} de touche | touch judge |  |
 | sport ligne {f} de touche | sideline [Am.] |  |
 | sport ligne {f} de touche | touchline |  |
 | matériel pierre {f} de touche | touchstone [stone used for testing alloys of gold] |  |
 | pierre {f} de touche [fig.] | touchstone [fig.] [standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognised/recognized] |  |
 | sport remise {f} en touche [rugby à quinze] | line-out [rugby union] [also: lineout] |  |
 | sport rentrée {f} de touche | throw-in |  |
 | sport sortie {f} en touche [au football] | throw-in |  |
 | inform. touche {f} Alt-Gr <Alt Gr> | AltGr key <Alt Gr> |  |
 | inform. touche {f} de fonction | function key |  |
 | mus. touche {f} de piano | piano key |  |
 | inform. touche {f} de retour | backspace key |  |
 | inform. touche {f} de retour | Return key |  |
 | arts touche {f} de vert | dash of green |  |
 | inform. touche {f} des majuscules | shift key |  |
 | occup. touche-à-tout {f} [loc.] | allrounder [female] |  |
 | occup. touche-à-tout {f} [loc.] | jack-of-all-trades [female] [idiom] |  |
 | occup. touche-à-tout {m} [loc.] | allrounder |  |
 | occup. touche-à-tout {m} [loc.] | jack-of-all-trades [idiom] |  |
 | arts une touche {f} de [peinture] | a dab of [paint] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | Ça me touche beaucoup. | I am very touched. |  |
 | inform. typ. Tape sur cette touche. | Press this key. |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | tech. appuyer sur la touche | to press the button |  |
 | inform. appuyer sur la touche | to press the key |  |
 | occup. être touche-à-tout [loc.] | to be an allrounder [idiom] |  |
 | occup. être touche-à-tout [loc.] | to be an all-rounder [idiom] |  |
 | mettre qn. sur la touche [loc.] | to throw sb. on the scrap heap [idiom] |  |
 | sport rester sur la touche [aussi fig.] | to stay on the sidelines [also fig.] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | cuis. Il a à peine touché à son assiette. | He hardly touched his food. |  |
 | Il a touché juste ! | He hit the target! |  |
 | écon. La récession touche tout le monde. | The recession affects everybody. |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | sport botter le ballon en touche | to kick the ball into touch |  |
 | sport dégager le ballon en touche | to kick the ball into touch |  |
 | sport effectuer une rentrée de touche | to throw in [soccer] |  |
 | être mis sur la touche [loc.] | to be sidelined [idiom] |  |
 | relig. être touché par la grâce | to be touched by God's grace |  |
 | mettre la touche finale à qc. [loc.] | to put the finishing touches to sth. [idiom] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | inform. touche {f} de verrouillage des majuscules <Verr Maj> | caps lock key <Caps Lock> |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F Touche pas à mon gazon | Fun with Dick and Jane [Ted Kotcheff (1977)] |  |