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Dictionary French English: tower

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

NOUN   a tower | towers
VERB  to tower | towered | towered ... 
SYNO   column | pillar | tower | towboat ... 
se dresser (majestueusement)to tower [building, mountain]
arch. tour {f}
2 Words: Verbs
s'élever au-dessus de qn./qc.to tower above sb./sth.
dominer qc. [montagnes]to tower above sth.
culminer au-dessus de qc.to tower above sth.
dominer qc. [montagnes]to tower over sth.
surplomber qc.to tower over sth.
2 Words: Nouns
arch. immo. tour {f} d'habitationapartment tower [Am.]
arch. clocher {m}bell tower
télécom. antenne-relais {f} de téléphonie mobile [station de base]cell tower
arch. clocher {m}church tower
arch. horl. tour {f} de l'horlogeclock tower
mil. naut. tourelle {f} [de sous-marin]conning tower
aviat. tour {f} de contrôlecontrol tower
constr. nucl. tour {f} de refroidissementcooling tower
arch. relig. tour {f} de la croisée du transeptcrossing tower
mines tech. derrick {m}drill tower
arch. Unesco VocVoy. tour {f} EiffelEiffel Tower
tour {f} d'ivoire [fig.]ivory tower [fig.]
arch. tour {f} d'anglejunction tower
arch. hist. mil. tour {m} Martello [petite forteresse défensive britannique du tournant du xixe siècle]Martello tower
math. système {m} de PostnikovPostnikov tower
math. tour {f} de PostnikovPostnikov tower
mines chevalement {m}shaft tower
hist. mil. tour {f} de siègesiege tower
constr. hist. mil. tour {f} [machine de guerre]siege-tower
arch. clocheton {m}small tower
arch. constr. tour {f} carréesquare tower
arch. constr. immo. tour {f} [immeuble]tower block [Br.]
château {m} d'eauwater tower
mines chevalement {m}winding tower
mines tour {f} d'extractionwinding tower
3 Words: Verbs
jaillir [s'élever] [clocher, immeuble, arbre] (au-dessus de qc.)to tower up (above sth.)
3 Words: Nouns
arch. clocher {m} oignon [rare] [clocher à bulbe]onion-domed tower
RadioTV tour {f} émettrice de radioradio (transmission) tower
bible ling. relig. tour {f} de BabelTower of Babel
arch. géogr. hist. tour {f} d'HerculeTower of Hercules [oldest extant lighthouse known, with an ancient Roman origin, on a peninsula near A Coruña, Galicia, Spain]
arch. géogr. tour {m} de LondresTower of London [also: His Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London]
immo. tour {f} de vingt étagestwenty-storey tower [Br.]
immo. tour {f} de vingt étagestwenty-story tower [Am.]
5+ Words: Verbs
être solide comme un rocto be a tower of strength
se retrancher dans sa tour d'ivoireto shut oneself away in an ivory tower
5+ Words: Nouns
arch. constr. tour {f} carrée de 10 m de côté10m x 10m square tower
arch. géogr. tourisme la tour {f} (penchée) de Pisethe Leaning Tower of Pisa [also: the Tower of Pisa]
tour {f} panoramiquetower with a panoramic view
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