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French-English translation for: train
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Dictionary French English: train

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NOUN   le train | les trains
NOUN   a train | trains
VERB  to train | trained | trained ... 
SYNO   gear | gearing | geartrain ... 
mil. sport s'entraînerto train
sport s'exercer [athlète]to train
éduc. se formerto train [learn]
éduc. former qn.to train sb.
encadrer qn./qc. [personnel, jeunes, stage, équipe]to train sb./sth.
sport entraîner qn./qc. [athlète, équipe, sportif]to train sb./sth.
éduc. dresser qn./qc.to train sb./sth. [teach how to behave]
zool. dresser qc. [animal]to train sth.
train {m}
anat. arrière-train {m} [d'humain] [fam.]behind
occup. trains chef {m} de trainconductor [Am.]
occup. trains chef {m} de trainguard [Br.]
zool. arrière-train {m} [d'animal]hindquarters {pl}
train-train {m} [fam.]routine
vêt. traîne {f} [de robe]train [of a dress]
aviat. train {m} d'atterrissageundercarriage [on a plane]
2 Words: Others
à fond de train {adv} [conduire, aller]flat out
2 Words: Verbs
trains changer de trainto change trains
attraper qn. en train de faire qc.to discover sb. doing sth.
trouver qn. en train de faire qc.to find sb. doing sth.
aller bon train [conversation]to flow easily
imaginer qn. en train de faire qc.to imagine sb. doing sth.
apercevoir qn. en train de faire qc.to spot sb. doing sth.
sport roder qn. à qc.to train sb. for sth.
sport roder qn. pour qc.to train sb. for sth.
braquer qc. [télescope] (sur qn./qc.)to train sth. (on sb./sth.)
braquer qc. sur qn./qc. [viser]to train sth. on sb./sth. [e.g. to aim a gun at sb.]
éduc. occup. être apprenti chez qn.to train with sb.
sport faire de la musculationto weight train
2 Words: Nouns
transp. zool. caravane {f} de chameauxcamel train
trains train {m} omnibuscommuter train
train-train {m} quotidien [fam.]daily grind
train-train {m} [aussi : traintrain] [fam.]daily round
trains train {m} descendantdown train [travelling away from a major terminus]
trains train {m} de plaisirexcursion train
trains convoi {m} de marchandisesfreight train
trains train {m} de fretfreight train
trains train {m} de marchandisesfreight train
sociol. convoi {m} funèbrefuneral train [funeral procession]
train {m} fantômeghost train
trains convoi {m} de marchandisesgoods train
trains train {m} de fretgoods train [esp. Br.]
trains train {m} de marchandisesgoods train [esp. Br.]
boute-en-train {m}great joker
trains VocVoy. train {m} de grandes lignesintercity (train)
trains train {m} à sustentation magnétiquemaglev (train) [coll.]
trains train {m} de grande lignemainline train
trains micheline {f}Micheline (train)
trains convoi {m} de voyageurspassenger train
trains train {m} de voyageurspassenger train
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