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French-English translation for: vacuum-pack
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Dictionary French English: vacuum pack

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NOUN   a vacuum pack | vacuum packs
alim. conditionner qc. sous videto vacuum-pack sth.
Partial Matches
phys. vide {m}vacuum
électr. outil. aspirateur {m}vacuum cleaner
TechMéd. vacuum {m} [urologie]penis pump
bouteille {f} thermosvacuum flask
passer l'aspirateurto vacuum [coll.]
conditionné sous vide {adj} {past-p}vacuum-packed
alim. cuis. emballé sous vide {adj}vacuum-packed
hort. outil. aspirateur {m} souffleur broyeurgarden vacuum
hort. outil. aspirateur {m} souffleur broyeurleaf vacuum
pol. vide {m} du pouvoirpower vacuum
tech. nettoyage {m} par aspirationvacuum extraction
emballage {m} sous videvacuum packing
phys. polarisation {f} du videvacuum polarization
outil. aspirer qc. [tapis, pièce]to vacuum sth.
dr. zone {f} de non-droitlegal vacuum
tech. ventouse {f} [dispositif de fixation]vacuum cup
créer un videto create a vacuum
combler un videto fill a vacuum
laisser un videto leave a vacuum
outil. aspirateur {m} sans sacbagless vacuum cleaner
outil. sac {m} d'aspirateurvacuum-cleaner bag
chim. phys. tech. trompe {f} à eauwater-jet (vacuum) pump
mil. paquetage {m}field pack
faire sa valiseto pack
inform. comprimer qc.to pack sth.
emballer qc.to pack sth.
paquet {m} [de cigarettes]pack
bicyc. sport peloton {m}pack [of cyclists]
tech. habillage {m} transparentblister pack
papier {m} bullebubble pack
comm. paquet {m} familialfamily pack
chasse zool. meute {f}pack of hounds
tech. système {m} de bridage par le videvacuum clamping system
accumulateur {m} de froidcold pack
cosm. masque {m} de beautéface pack
vêt. sac {m} bananefanny pack [Am.]
accumulateur {m} de froidice pack
agr. transp. zool. bête {f} de sommepack animal
électr. bloc {m} d'alimentationpower pack
pochette {f} de diapositivesslide pack
comm. paquet {m} familialfamily-size pack
bourrer qc. [valise]to pack sth. tightly
boniment {m} [mensonges]pack of lies [coll.]
zool. horde {f} de loupspack of wolves
tasser qc. [foin, paille]to pack sth. down
faire ses bagagesto pack (one's suitcases)
faire ses mallesto pack one's bags
plier bagage [fam.]to pack up and go
zool. bande {f} [d'animaux sauvages]pack [of wild animals]
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