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French-English translation for: valoir
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Dictionary French English: valoir

Translation 1 - 50 of 81  >>

French English
VERB1   valoir | vaux | avoir valu | valant
VERB2   se valoir | me vaux | s'être valu | se valant
fin. valoir [avoir tel prix, avoir telle qualité]to be worth
fin. valoir [coûter]to cost
comm. fin. valoir qc. [coûter] [Ça vaut combien ?]to be priced at sth.
valoir qc. [dans une comparaison]to match up to sth.
valoir qc. [dans une comparaison]to be as good as sth.
valoir qc. [représenter]to be worth sth.
valoir qc. [représenter]to be equivalent to sth.
valoir qn./qc. [dans une comparaison]to match up to sb./sth.
valoir qn./qc. [dans une comparaison]to be as good as sb./sth.
2 Words: Verbs
faire valoir qc.to push forward sth.
fin. faire valoir qc. [argent]to put sth. to work
faire valoir qc. [argument]to advance sth.
faire valoir qc. [bien]to turn sth. to good account
faire valoir qc. [droit]to assert sth.
faire valoir qc. [intention]to make sth. known
faire valoir qc. [nécessité]to point sth. out
faire valoir qc. [qualité]to highlight sth.
faire valoir qc. [terrain]to put sth. to good use
se valoir [être équivalent]to be equal
se valoir [être équivalent]to be equivalent
se valoir [être équivalent]to be on a par
fin. valoir cher [maison, article]to be worth a lot
valoir pour qc. [être applicable]to apply to sth.
valoir pour qc. [être applicable]to hold for sth.
valoir qc. à qn.to bring sb. sth. [e.g. fame]
valoir qc.à qn. [amitié, admiration]to win sb. sth.
valoir qc.à qn. [ennuis]to bring sb. sth.
valoir qc.à qn. [p. ex. respect, punition]to earn sb. sth. [e.g. respect, punishment]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. faire-valoir {m}farming
film théâtre faire-valoir {m}foil
3 Words: Others
fin. à valoir sur qc. [somme]to be deducted from sth.
3 Words: Verbs
faire valoir que ...to argue that ...
faire valoir que ...to point out that ...
ne rien valoirto be worthless
se faire valoirto show oneself off to advantage
se faire valoir [loc.] [souvent pej.]to show off [idiom] [often pej.]
valoir 50 eurosto be worth 50 euros
valoir la peineto be worthwhile
valoir la peineto be worth the effort
fin. valoir très cher [coûter]to be very dear [expensive]
fin. valoir très cher [coûter]to be very expensive
fin. valoir très cher [coûter]to cost a lot
fin. valoir une fortune [maison, article]to be worth a fortune
4 Words: Verbs
en valoir la peine [loc.]to be worth it [idiom]
en valoir le coup [loc.]to be worth trying [idiom]
en valoir le coup [loc.] [fam.]to be worth the risk [idiom]
faire valoir ses droitsto assert one's rights
faire valoir ses droitsto stake a claim
faire valoir un argumentto press an argument
fin. faire valoir un capitalto make a sum of money yield a good profit
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