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Dictionary French English: was

Translation 1 - 50 of 131  >>

VERB1  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
VERB2  to be better off | was/were better off | been better off ... 
VERB3  to be charged with murder | was/were charged with murder | had been charged with murder ... 
qn./qc. était
sb./sth. was
qn./qc. fut
sb./sth. was
2 Words: Others
qn. naquitsb. was born
3 Words: Others
La nuit tombait.Dusk was falling.
Il s'est branlé. [vulg.]He was masturbating.
Il s'est branlé. [vulg.]He was wanking. [Br.] [vulg.]
C'était à se rouler par terre !It was hilarious!
météo. Il faisait une chaleur étouffante.It was sweltering.
qn. a pusb. was able to
C'était juste !That was close!
On l'a échappé belle !That was close!
4 Words: Others
tel quel {adv}as it is / was
suivant son habitude {adv}as was his custom
Il s'est branlé. [vulg.]He was jerking off [esp. Am.] [vulg.]
Je l'ai eu sec. [fam.]I was pretty choked. [coll.]
je fus incapable de [+ inf.]I was unable to [+ inf.]
C'était la cata ! [fam.] [catastrophe]It was a disaster!
C'était à se taper le cul par terre ! [fam.] [vulg.] [de rire]It was a scream! [hysterically funny]
C'était à se taper le derrière par terre ! [fam.] [de rire]It was a scream! [hysterically funny]
Il y a des lustres de ça ! [loc.]It was ages ago ! [idiom]
Il faisait un froid de canard. [fam.]It was freezing (cold).
Il commençait à faire jour.It was getting light.
C'était à se rouler par terre. [de rire]It was hysterically funny.
C'était en l'an 1999.It was in 1999.
météo. Il faisait une chaleur étouffante.It was oppressively hot.
C'était pas triste. [loc.]It was quite something.
C'était rare que ... [+subj.]It was rare that ...
C'était à se rouler par terre. [de douleur]It was so painful.
C'était trop tard.It was too late.
C'était très bon.It was very good.
Elle était toute triste.She was very sad.
Au temps pour moi ! [fam.] [fig.]That was my fault!
Au temps pour moi ! [fam.] [fig.]That was my mistake!
L'addition était soignée !The bill was astronomical! [Br.]
L'addition était soignée !The check was astronomical! [Am.]
La décision a été unanime.The decision was unanimous.
cuis. VocVoy. Le repas était fameux.The meal was excellent.
La salle était comble.The place was packed.
Ça a été la débandade générale.There was general panic.
C'était bien la peine !What was the point!
5+ Words: Others
comme si de rien n'était {adv} [loc.]as if nothing was the matter [idiom]
comme au premier jour {adv}as it was in the beginning
Le coucher était à neuf heures.Curfew was at nine o'clock.
La mort fut une délivrance.Death was a merciful release.
Ne jette pas ce sur quoi j'écrivais.Don't throw out what I was writing on.
Il a acheté la maison telle quelle.He bought the house (just) as it was / stood.
Il a amplement fait ce qu'on attendait de lui.He did more than was expected of him.
Il n'a pas choisi, il a pris le tout-venant.He did not make a choice, he just took whatever there was.
Il a pu quitter le pays sans être inquiété.He was able to leave the country without any trouble.
occup. Il a été renvoyé mais il l'a quand même bien cherché.He was fired but he was asking for it.
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