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French-English translation for: were
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Dictionary French English: were

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

VERB  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
C'était le bon temps ! [loc.]Good times, (they were.)! [idiom]
À ta place ...If I were you ...
À votre place ...If I were you ...
J'avais les nerfs à vifs. [loc.]My nerves were jangling. [idiom]
C'étaient les beaux jours ! [loc.]Those were the days ! [idiom]
C'était le bon temps ! [loc.]Those were the days! [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
On dénombre 130 morts à ce jour.At the latest count there were 130 dead.
citation Je ne suis pas gay, quoique j'aimerais bien l'être, rien que pour faire chier les homophobes.I am not gay although I wish I were just to piss off homophobes. [Kurt Cobain]
Je dois admettre que tu avais raison.I have to admit you were right.
Excusez-moi, je vous ai pris pour quelqu'un d'autre.I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.
Vivement vendredi !If only it were Friday!
Vivement que cela finisse ! [fam.] [loc.]If only it were over and done! [idiom]
Il faut croire que tu avais tort.It looks like you were wrong.
Je te ferai observer que tu t'es trompé.Let me point out to you that you were wrong.
bien avant ta naissance {adv}long before you were born
Les problèmes qu'il a eus ont été vite oubliés.The problems that he had were quickly forgotten.
Les problèmes qu'il y a eu ont été vite oubliés.The problems that there were were quickly forgotten.
Ils étaient trois.The three of them were together.
Ils étaient trois.There were three of them.
Ils faisaient un bruit à réveiller les morts ! [loc.]They were making enough noise to wake the dead! [idiom]
Ils ont été refoulés à la frontièreThey were turned back at the border.
Nous allions partir lorsqu'on a sonné.We were about to leave when the door bell rang.
Nous étions destinés l'un à l'autre.We were meant for each other.
bien avant ta naissance {adv}well before you were born
Que faisais-tu au juste ?What exactly were you doing?
À quoi pensiez-vous ?What were you thinking about?
Tu compromettais la mission.You were compromising the mission.
Tu compromettais la mission.You were risking the mission.
5+ Words: Nouns
loi {f} du talionprinciple, to give back as you were given
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F La Perle noire [film de 1953]All the Brothers Were Valiant [Richard Thorpe]
littérat. F Quand nous étions grandsBack When We Were Grownups [Anne Tyler]
film F Don Juan 73 ou si Don Juan était une femme [Roger Vadim (1973)]Don Juan, or If Don Juan Were a Woman
BD F Non, Obélix ! ... Tu n'auras pas de potion magique ! Je t'ai dit mille fois que tu étais tombé dedans étant petit ! [citation]No, Obelix! ... You cannot have the magic potion! I've told you a thousand times that you fell into the potion when you were little!
film F Nos plus belles annéesThe Way We Were [Sydney Pollock (1973)]
film F Les SacrifiésThey Were Expendable [John Ford]
littérat. F Quand nous étions orphelinsWhen We Were Orphans [Kazuo Ishiguro]
littérat. F J'aimerais tellement que tu sois Wish You Were Here [Graham Swift]
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